“Weekly reading”版本间的差异

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*[[媒体文件:Parameterised_Sigmoid_and_ReLU_Hidden_Activation_Functions_for_DNN_Acoustic_Modelling.pdf|赵梦原 2015-9-16 Parameterised Sigmoid and ReLU Hidden Activation Functions for DNN Acoustic Modelling.pdf]]
*[[媒体文件:Parameterised_Sigmoid_and_ReLU_Hidden_Activation_Functions_for_DNN_Acoustic_Modelling.pdf|赵梦原 2015-9-16 Parameterised Sigmoid and ReLU Hidden Activation Functions for DNN Acoustic Modelling.pdf]]
*[[媒体文件:An End-to-end Approach to Language Identification in Short Utterances using.pdf |张雪薇2015-9-16 An End-to-end Approach to Language Identification in Short Utterances using Convolutional Neural Networks.pdf]]
*[[媒体文件:An End-to-end Approach to Language Identification in Short Utterances using.pdf |张雪薇2015-9-16 An End-to-end Approach to Language Identification in Short Utterances using Convolutional Neural Networks.pdf]]

2015年9月16日 (三) 06:52的版本