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2017年1月8日 (日) 02:53Lilt讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Technical report

  1. TRP-20160039 Speaker Segmentation Using Deep Speaker Vectors for Fast Speaker Change Scenarios, Renyu Wang, Mingliang Gu, Lantian Li, Mingxing Xu, Thomas Fang Zheng
  2. TRP-20160038 生物特征识别技术综述, Thomas Fang Zheng, Asker Rozi, Renyu Wang, Lantian Li
  3. TRP-20160037 声纹识别技术及其应用现状, Thomas Fang Zheng, Lantian Li, Hui Zhang, Asker Rozi
  4. TRP-20160036 Deep Q-trading, Yang Wang, Dong Wang, Shiyue Zhang,Yang Feng, Shiyao Li,and Qiang Zhou
  5. TRP-20160035 Moses中文操作手册, 冯洋
  6. TRP-20160034 The Present and Future of Speech Recognition, Dong Wang
  7. TRP-20160033 Memoryless Document Vector, Dongxu Zhang, Dong Wang
  8. TRP-20160032 Can Machine Generate Traditional Chinese Poetry? A Turing Test, Qixin Wang, Tianyi Luo, Dong Wang
  9. TRP-20160031 OC16-CE80: A Chinese-English Mixlingual Database and A Speech Recognition Baseline, Dong Wang, Zhiyuan Tang, Difei Tang and Qing Chen
  10. TRP-20160030 Collaborative Joint Training with Multi-task Recurrent Model for Speech and Speaker Recognition, Zhiyuan Tang, Lantian Li, Dong Wang and Ravichander Vipperla
  11. TRP-20160029 Multi-task Recurrent Model for Speech and Speaker Recognition, Zhiyuan Tang, Lantian Li and Dong Wang
  12. TRP-20160028 Multi-task Recurrent Model for True Multilingual Speech Recognition, Zhiyuan Tang, Lantian Li and Dong Wang
  13. TRP-20160027 Collaborative Learning for Language and Speaker Recognition, Lantian Li, Zhiyuan Tang, Dong Wang, Yang Feng and Shiyue Zhang
  14. TRP-20160026 Weakly Supervised PLDA Training, Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Yixiang Chen and Chenghui Zhao
  15. TRP-20160025 Local Training for PLDA in Speaker Verification, Chenghui Zhao, Lantian Li, Dong Wang and April Pu
  16. TRP-20160024 Decision Making Based on Cohort Scores for Speaker Verification, Lantian Li, Renyu Wang, Gang Wang, Caixia Wang and Thomas Fang Zheng
  17. TRP-20160023 AP16-OL7: A Multilingual Database for Oriental Languages and A Language Recognition Baseline, Dong Wang, Lantian Li, Difei Tang and Qing Chen
  18. TRP-20160022 System Combination for Short Utterance Speaker Recognition, Lantian Li, Dong Wang and Thomas Fang Zheng
  19. TRP-20160021 Improving Short Utterance Speaker Recognition by Modeling Speech Unit Classes, Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Chenhao Zhang and Thomas Fang Zheng
  20. TRP-20160020 Feature Transformation For Speaker Verification Under Speaking Rate Mismatch Condition, Askar Rozi, Lantian Li, Dong Wang and Thomas Fang Zheng
  21. TRP-20160019 Language-aware PLDA for Multilingual Speaker Recognition, Askar Rozi, Dong Wang, Lantian Li and Thomas Fang Zheng
  22. TRP-20160018 Chinese Song Iambics Generation with Neural Attention-based Model, Qixin Wang, Tianyi Luo, Dong Wang
  23. TRP-20160017 How to Config Kaldi nnet3 (in Chinese), Zhiyuan Tang and Dong Wang
  24. TRP-20160016 How to deploy joint training in Kaldi (in Chinese), Hang Luo, Zhiyuan Tang and Dong Wang
  25. TRP-20160015 How to run ASR system for Kazak (in Chinese), Ying Shi, Zhiyuan Tang,Nurbolat and Dong Wang
  26. TRP-20160014 Exploring The Role of Deep Speaker Features for Speaker Verification, Lantian Li and Dong Wang
  27. TRP-20160013 Sparse Discriminative Analysis and Its Application in Distraction Classification, Dong Wang
  28. TRP-20160012 i-vector system in Kaldi (in Chinese) Yixang Chen, Lantian Li and Dong Wang
  29. TRP-20160011 基于说话人信道相关的录音重放检测若干方法探究 Lantian Li, Yixiang Chen and Dong Wang
  30. TRP-20160010 Highly Restricted Keyword Selection Based on Sparse Analysis for Uyghur Text Categorization, Dong Wang, Askar Humdulla, Rayilam Parhat, Javier Tejedor
  31. TRP-20160009: RNNG Code User Guide, Shiyue Zhang and Yang Feng
  32. TRP-20160008: Different styles of poetry generation based on memory model, Jiyuan Zhang,Yang Feng and Dong Wang
  33. TRP-20160007: Distraction Detection Using Sparse Discriminative Analysis, Dong Wang and Guozhen Zhao
  34. TRP-20160006: Visualization Analysis for Recurrent Networks, Zhiyuan Tang, Ying Shi and Dong Wang
  35. TRP-20160005: Distributed Representation Learning for Knowledge Graphs with Entity Descriptions; Miao Fan, Qiang Zhou, Thomas Fang Zheng, Ralph Grishman
  36. TRP-20160004: A Review of Neural QA, Tianyi Luo and Dong Wang
  37. TRP-20160003: A study of Similar Word Model for Unfrequent Word Enhancement in Speech Recognition, Xi Ma, Dong Wang and Javier Tejedor
  38. TRP-20160002: Low-Frequency Words Embedding, Chao Xing, Yiqiao Pan, Dong Wang
  39. TRP-20160001: Max-margin metric learning for speaker recognition, Lantian Li, Chao Xing, Dong Wang

Author Statistics for TRP

rank name TRP number first author number
1 Dong Wang 32 6
2 Lantian Li 19 8
3 Zhiyuan Tang 9 5
4 Thomas Fang Zheng 8 2
5 Yang Feng 5 1
6 Tianyi Luo 3 1
7 Shiyue Zhang 3 1
8 Chao Xing 2 1
9 Ying Shi 2 1
10 Qixin Wang 2 2
11 Difei Tang 2 0
12 Askar Rozi 4 2
13 Qiang Zhou 2 1
14 Yixiang Chen 2 0
15 Chenghui Zhao 2 1
16 Javier Tejedor 2 0
17 Qing Chen 2 0
18 Nurbolat 1 0
19 Hang Luo 1 1
20 Renyu Wang 1 0
21 Chenhao Zhang 1 0
22 Askar Humdulla 1 0
23 Xi Ma 1 1
24 Guozhen Zhao 1 0
25 April Pu 1 0
26 Yiqiao Pan 1 0
27 Gang Wang 1 0
28 Jiyuan Zhang 1 1
29 Caixia Wang 1 0
30 Ravichander Vipperla 1 0
31 Shiyao Li 1 0
32 Rayilam Parhat 1 0
33 Ralph Grishman 1 0
34 Yang Wang 1 1
35 Dongxu Zhang 1 1


  1. 现代机器学习技术导论



  1. Zhiyuan Tang, Lantian Li, Dong Wang, and Ravichander Vipperla, "Collaborative Joint Training with Multi-task Recurrent Model for Speech and Speaker Recognition", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. Preprint, 2016. (DOI: 10.1109/TASLP.2016.2639323)
  2. Linlin Wang, Jun Wang, Lantian Li, Thomas Fang Zheng, Frank K.Soong, "Improving Speaker Verfication Performance against Long-Term Speaker Variability", Speech Communication, 79 (2016), 14-29, Mar. 2016.
  3. Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Chenhao Zhang, Thomas Fang Zheng, "Improving Short Utterance Speaker Recognition by Modeling Speech Unit Classes", In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (Volume:PP, Issue:99) DOI:10.1109/TASLP 2016.
  4. Thomas Fang Zheng, Rozi Askar, Renyu Wang, Lantian Li, "Overview of Biometric Recognition Technology", Journal of Information Security Research, 2(1): 12-26, Jan. 2016.
  5. Thomas Fang Zheng, Lantian Li, Hui Zhang, Rozi Askar, "Overview of Voiceprint Recognition Technology and Applications", Journal of Information Security Research, 2(1): 44-57, Jan. 2016.
  6. Xi Ma, Dong Wang, Javier Tejedor "Similar Word Model for Unfrequent Word Enhancement in Speech Recognition," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol 24, no. 10, 2016.


  1. Dongxu Zhang, Dong Wang, "Relation Classification: CNN or RNN?", NLPCC-ICCPOL 2016
  2. Dongxu Zhang, Tianyi Luo, Dong Wang, "Learning from LDA using Deep Neural Networks", NLPCC-ICCPOL 2016
  3. Askar Rozi, Dong Wang, Lantian Li, Thomas Fang Zheng, " Language-aware PLDA for Multilingual Speaker Recognition", OCOCOSDA 2016 (best student paper)
  4. Dong Wang, Zhiyuan Tang, Difei Tang, Qing Chen "OC16-CE80: A Chinese-English Mixlingual Database and A Speech Recognition Baseline", OCOCOSDA 2016 (best paper)
  5. Chenghui Zhao, Lantian Li, Dong Wang and April Pu, " Local Training for PLDA in Speaker Verification", OCOCOSDA 2016
  6. Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Thomoas Fang Zheng, "Max-Margin Metric Learning for Speaker Recognition", ISCSLP 2016
  7. Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, " Binary Speaker Embedding", ISCSLP 2016
  8. Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Xiaodong Zhang, Thomas Fang Zheng, Panshi Jin, "System Combination for Short Utterance Speaker Recognition", APSIPA 2016
  9. Zhiyuan Tang, Lantian Li, Dong Wang, "Multi-task Recurrent Model for Speech and Speaker Recognition", APSIPA 2016
  10. Askar Rozi, Dong Wang, Lantian Li, Thomas Fang Zheng, "Feature Transformation For Speaker Verification Under Speaking Rate Mismatch Condition", APSIPA 2016
  11. Aiting Liu, Chao Xing, Yang Feng, Dong Wang, "Learning Ordered Word Representations", APSIPA 2016
  12. Dong Wang, Lantian Li, Difei Tang, Qing Chen, "AP16-OL7: A Multilingual Database for Oriental Languages and A Language Recognition Baseline", APSIPA 2016
  13. Zhiyuan Tang, Lantian Li, Dong Wang, "Multi-task Recurrent Model for True Multilingual Speech Recognition", APSIPA 2016
  14. Qinxin Wang, Tianyi Luo, Dong Wang, "Can Machine Generate Traditional Chinese Poetry? A Feigenbaum Test", BICS 2016
  15. Dong Wang, Qiang Zhou, Amir Hussian, "Deep and Sparse Learning in Speech and Language Processing: An Overview", BICS 2016
  16. Qixin Wang, Tianyi Luo, Dong Wang, Chao Xing, "Chinese Song Iambics Generation with Neural Attention-based Model", IJCAI 2016
  17. Zhiyuan Tang, Dong Wang, Zhiyong Zhang, "Recurrent Neural Network Training with Dark Knowledge Transfer", ICASSP 2016
  19. Renyu Wang, Mingliang Gu, Lantian Li, Mingxing Xu, Thomas Fang Zheng, "Speaker Segmentation Using Deep Speaker Vectors for Fast Speaker Change Scenarios", ICASSP 2017


  1. 郑方 李蓝天 邬晓钧 别凡虎 王军 语音重放检测方法和装置 2016100073590 [D-ear] 交底书
  2. 郑方 李蓝天 邬晓钧 王刚 刘乐 基于声纹识别、人脸识别以及同步活体检测的身份认证方法及系统 2015108119085 [D-ear] 交底书
  3. 王东 邢超 张之勇 赵梦原 一种面向混合语言的语音合成方法 [FreeNeb] 交底书
  4. 王东 张之勇 赵梦原 黄伟明 李国强,一种日语语音识别系统训练方法 [同方] 交底书
  5. 汪洋,王东,刘荣 在线强化学习交易策略 [张露] 文底书
  6. 王东,白紫薇,冯洋,杜新凯,游士学,基于LSTM模型的现代文到古诗的转换技术 [汇联] 交底书
  7. 王东,张记袁,冯洋,杜新凯,游士学, 一种基于共同语义空间的个性化音乐生成技术 [汇联] 交底书


Date Speaker Title Materials On duty
2016/1/4 Zhiyong Zhang Parallel training,MPE and natural gradient slides
2016/1/18 Dongxu Zhang Memoryless Document Vector slides
2016/3/14 Zhiyuan Tang Oral presentation for "vMF-SNE: Embedding for Spherical Data" slides
2016/3/28 Tianyi Luo Review for Neural QA slides
2016/4/11 Rong Liu Recommendation in Youku slides
2016/5/09 Miao Fan Learning contextual embeddings of knowledge base with entity descriptions. slides
2016/5/16 Yang Wang Research on conversation thread detection. slides
2016/5/20 Yang Wang & Maoning Wang Research on portfolio selection. slides1 slides2
2016/5/20 Zhiyuan Tang ICASSP 2016 summary slides
2016/5/23 Dong Wang graphical model and neural model slides papers
2016/8/02 Zhiyuan Tang Visualizing, Measuring and Understanding Neural Networks: A Brief Survey slides
2016/8/03 Yang Wang Neural networks and genetic programming for financial forecasting slides
2016/11/05 Yang Wang Reinforcement Learning Models and Simulations slides
2016/11/12 Yang Wang Generative Adversarial Nets slides
2016/11/22 Zhiyuan Tang INTERSPEECH 2016 summary slides
2016/11/30 Dong Wang Deep and sparse learning in speech and language: an overview slides


name type size dir description
ASVspoof 2017 wav 348M corpora/lilt/ASVspoof 2017 ASVspoof 2017 data (from INTERSPEECH) collected by Lantian Li
CSLT_China300 wav 8.8G corpora/lilt/CSLT_China300 300 chinese speakers data for SRE collected by Lantian Li
CSLT_Replay wav 13G corpora/lilt/CSLT_Replay CSLT replay spoofing data collected by Lantian Li
CSLT_Digit wav 1.3G corpora/lilt/CSLT_Digit Digit string data for SRE collected by Lantian Li
Idiap_avspoof wav 21G corpora/lilt/Idiap_avspoof Idiap Avspoof data collected by Lantian Li
RedDots wav 1.2G corpora/lilt/RedDots RedDots data for SRE collected by Lantian Li
SITW wav 19G corpora/lilt/SITW SITW data for SRE collected by Lantian Li
VCTK wav 11G corpora/lilt/VCTK VCTK data for ASR and SRE collected by Lantian Li
VoxForge wav 11G corpora/lilt/VoxForge VoxForge data for ASR and SRE collected by Lantian Li
lyric text - corpora/art/lyric song lyric data collected by Jiyuan Zhang
poem text - corpora/art/poem Traditional Chinese poem data collected by Qixin Wang and Jiyuan Zhang
cnsong text - corpora/art/song Chinese Song sentences collected by Aiting Liu
factordb transaction - corpora/finance/factordb Factor database collected by Wangyang


Code Name Author Description
THCHS30 Wang Dong, Zhang Xuewei THCHS30 recipe link
THUYG20 Wang Dong, Zhang Xuewei THUYG20 recipe link
viewExp Wang Yang The experiment platform of the Finance team link
vvBeam Wang Dong Beamforming using superdirective array link
vvEngine Zhiyong Zhang ASR Engine link
vvPoem Jiyuan Zhang Vivi Poem generatoin link]
vvQA Chao Xing QA system link