来自cslt Wiki
Resoruce Building
Leftover questions
- Investigating LOUDS FST.
- CLG embedded decoder plus online compiler.
- DNN-GMM co-training
AM development
Sparse DNN
- WJS sparse DNN shows a slightly better than non-sparse cases when the network is in a large scale
- Pre-training does work for DNN training (for both 4/5/6 layers)
Noise training
- Journal paper writing on going
Multilingual ASR
- With multlingual training, performance is largely retained with most of known test sets;
- However for unknown accents, performance is not stable
Drop out & convolutional network
- Zhiyong will study drop out
- Zhiyong & Mengyuan will study convolutional network
Denoising & Farfield ASR
- Use an reverberation tool to generate a new set of datasets
- xEnt results(eval 92):
before adaptation after adaptation clean: - - near: 19.25 12.94 far: 59.38 40.46
- Lasso-based reverberation cancellation got initial clean data
- Waiting for engineering work
- Refine the acoustic model with AMIDA database. problem solved by involving both wsj and AMIDA.
Embedded decoder
- Chatting LM release
- Train two smaller network: 500x4+600, 400x4+500: on going
- Need to upload the new client code onto git
- Build a new graph with MPE3 am and chatting LM.
LM development
Domain specific LM
h2. Domain specific LM construction
h3. TAG LM
- TAG still problematic with all-to-number tag
- check the randomness of the number tag.
h3. Chatting LM
- Building chatting lexicon
- First version released (80k lexicon)
W2V based doc classification
- Initial results variable Bayesian GMM obtained. Performance is not as good as the conventional GMM.
Semantic word tree
- Version v2.0 released (filter with query log)
- Please deliver to /nfs/disk/perm/data/corpora/semanticTree (Xingchao)
- Version v3.0 under going. Further refinement with Baidu Baike hierarchy
- Character-based NNLM (6700 chars, 7gram), 500M data training done.
- Inconsistent pattern in WER were found on Tenent test sets
- probably need to use another test set to do investigation.
- Investigate MS RNN LM training
Speaker ID
- reading materials
- prepare to run sre08
- collecting more data (Xinhua parallel text, bible, name entity) for the second version
- work into text alignment
- Will release v2.0 today