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Journal papers


  1. Xi Ma, Dong Wang, Javier Tejedor "Similar Word Model for Unfrequent Word Enhancement in Speech Recognition," TASLP, vol 24, no. 10, 2016.
  2. Meng Sun, Xiongwei Zhang, Hugo Van hamme, and Thomas Fang Zheng, "Unseen noise estimation using separable deep auto encoder for speech enhancement", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, pp. 93-104, Vol. 24, No. 1, Jan. 2016 (DOI 10.1109/TASLP.2015.2498101)
  3. 娈峰疄锛?寮犱箣鍕囷紝 鐜嬩笢锛?閮戞柟锛?鏉庨摱鍥? 鍩轰簬娣卞害绁炵粡缃戠粶鐨勮闊崇鐐规娴? 娓呭崕瀛︽姤锛屽嚭鐗堜腑銆?#Liang Weiqian, Zheng Fang, Chen Chaoyang, Chen Gaojun, "GSPAP based sub-band adaptive feedback cancellation algorithm", Tsinghua Xuebao (in Chinese)
  4. Liang Weiqian, Zheng Fang, Zheng Jiachun, Piao Zhigang, "Sub-band based adaptive noise reduction algorithm for improved speech intelligibility", Tsinghua Xuebao (in Chinese)
  5. Askar Rouze, Shi Yin, Zhiyong Zhang, Dong Wang, Askar Humdulla, Fang Zheng, "THUYG THUYG-20: A free Uyghur Speech Database", Tsinghua Xuebao (in Chinese)
  6. Jun Wang, Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, Research on Generalization Property of Time-varying Fbank-weighted MFCC for I-vector Based Speaker Verification, Tsinghua Xuebao (in Chinese)
  7. Fanhu Bie, Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, Research on Truncated Speech in Speaker Verification, Tsinghua Xuebao (in Chinese)
  8. Rong Liu, Dong Wang, Chao Xing, Document Classification Based on Word Vectors, Tsinghua Xuebao (in Chinese)


  1. Linlin Wang, Jun Wang, Lantian Li, Thomas Fang Zheng Frank K.Soong, "Improving Speaker Verfication Performance against Long-Term Speaker Variability", Speech Communication.
  2. Fanhu Bie, Dong Wang, Jun Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, "Detection and reconstruction of clipped speech for speaker recognition", Speech Communication, Volume 72, September 2015, Pages 218鈥?31. [WOS:000359169000016, IDS 鍙? CO4ZI; EI: 20152901034028]
  3. Shi Yin, Chao Liu, Zhiyong Zhang, Yiye Lin, Dong Wang, Javier Tejedor, Thomas Fang Zheng, Yiguo Li, Noisy Training for Deep Neural Networks in Speech Recognition, EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2015(2). [WOS:000360837300001,IDS 鍙? CQ8DU; EI: 20150600505389]
  4. Javier Tejedor; Doroteo T. Toledano; Dong Wang; Simon King; Jose Colas, "Feature analysis for discriminative confidence estimation in Spoken Term Detection", Computer Speech and Language,28 (2014), pp. 1083-1114. [WOS:000338609100005,IDS 鍙? AK7LF; EI:20142617859486]
  5. Tang, Guoyu*;Xia, Yunqing; Cambria, Erik; Jin, Peng; Zheng, Thomas Fang, "Document representation with statistical word senses in cross-lingual document clustering," International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, v 29, n 2, March 25, 2015, [WOS:000350755900011, IDS 鍙? CD0IW; EI: 20151700788680]


  1. Lau, Raymond Y.K. ; Xia, Yunqing; Ye, Yunming, "A probabilistic generative model for mining cybercriminal networks from online social media", IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 2014(2), v 9, n 1, p 31-43. [WOS:000330112900004, IDS 鍙? 295JR; EI: 20140617278800]
  2. Xia, Yunqing Cambria, Erik; Hussain, Amir; Zhao, Huan, Word Polarity Disambiguation Using Bayesian Model and Opinion-Level Features, Cognitive Computation, August 2, 2014, [ WOS:000354884100008, IDS 鍙? CI6PY; EI: IP53275563]
  3. Xia, Yunqing Cambria, Erik; Hussain, Amir, AspNet: Aspect Extraction by Bootstrapping Generalization and Propagation Using an Aspect Network, Cognitive Computation, September 19, 2014, [ WOS:000352210700006, IDS 鍙? CF0CQ; EI: 201445177749]
  4. Tang, Guoyu; Xia, Yunqing, "Statistical word sense aware topic models, " Soft Computing, July 19, 2014 [WOS:000347407500003, IDS 鍙? AY2GS; EI: IP53250240]


  1. Y. Xia, W. Su, R. Y.K. Lau & Y. Liu. Discovering latent commercial networks from online financial news articles. Enterprise Information Systems. Volume 7, Issue 3, pp.303-331, 2013 [WOS:000322866000003; IDS 鍙? 197QP; EI:20133516666587]
  2. E. Cambria, B. Schuller, Y. Xia, C. Havasi, "New Avenues in Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis," IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 15-21, March-April 2013 [ WOS:000321072700006, IDS 鍙? 173IN; EI: 20133016523470]
  3. C. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Xia, X. Wang, C.-H. Lee, 鈥淩eliable Accent-Specific Unit Generation with Discriminative Dynamic Gaussian Mixture Selection for Multi-Accent Chinese Speech Recognition,鈥?IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing: Volume:21, Issue: 10, pp. 2073 鈥?2084. 2013 [WOS:000322334900007, IDS 鍙? 190JE, INSPEC:13686304; EI: 20133216594710]
  4. Dong Wang, Ravichander Vipperla, Nick Evans, Thomas Fang Zheng, "Online Non-negative Convolutive Pattern Learning for Speech Signals", IEEE trans. on signal processing, vol.61, no.1, pp.44-56. [WOS:000313896100006, IDS 鍙? 075OJ; EI: 20125115813097]


  1. Nakhat Fatima, Xiaojun Wu and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淪yllable Speech Unit Category based Short Utterance Speaker Recognition,鈥?Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS) Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 1407-1430, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Systems and Informatics, December 2012 [WOS:000314392000004, IDS 鍙? 082KZ; EI:20130315907215]
  2. Dong Wang, Simon King, Joe Frankel, Ravichander Vipperla, Nick Evans, Raphael Troncy, "Direct Posterior Confidence Estimation for Out-of-Vocabulary Spoken Term Detection", ACM Trans. on Information Systems, vol.30, no.3, August, 2012. [WOS:000308657600002, IDS 鍙? 004CL; EI:20124215569168]
  3. Dong Wang, Javier Tejedor, Simon King, Joe Frankel "Term-dependent Confidence Normalisation for Out-of-Vocabulary Spoken Term Detection", Journal of Computer Science and Technology(JCST), vol.27, no.2, 2012. [WOS:000301446900010, IDS 鍙? 907VJ; EI: 20122315086058]
  4. Nick Evans, Simon Bozonnet, Dong Wang, Corinne Fredouille and Raphael Troncy, "A Comparative Study of Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches to Speaker Diarization ", IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing,vol.20, no.2, 2012. [ WOS:000299525800004, IDS 鍙? 881XR;]
  5. 鍞愬浗鐟? 澶忎簯搴? 寮犳皯, 閮戞柟. 鍩轰簬璺ㄨ瑷€骞夸箟鍚戦噺绌洪棿妯″瀷鐨勮法璇█鏂囨。鑱氱被鏂规硶. 涓枃淇℃伅瀛︽姤锛?012骞寸2鏈燂紝Vol.26, No.2: 116-120銆?#寮犲墤宄帮紝澶忎簯搴嗭紝濮氬缓姘? 寰崥鏂囨湰澶勭悊鐮旂┒缁艰堪. 涓枃淇℃伅瀛︽姤锛?012骞寸4鏈燂紝Vol.26, No.4: 22-27銆?===2011===
  6. Javier Tejedor, Alejandro Echeverria Dong Wang, Ravichander Vipperla, "Evolutionary discriminative confidence estimation for spoken term detection ", Multimedia tools and applications, no.4, 2011. [WOS:000313965800002,IDS 鍙? 076OL,EI:20130415921512]
  7. Raymond Y. K. Lau, S. Y. Liao, Ron Chi-Wai Kwok, Kaiquan Xu, Yunqing Xia, Yuefeng Li: Text mining and probabilistic language modeling for online review spam detection. ACM Trans. Management Inf. Syst. 2(4): 25 (2011)
  8. Dong Wang, Simon King, "Letter-to-Sound Pronunciation Prediction using Conditional Random Field", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol 18, no.2, February 2011 , pp 122-125.


  1. Dong Wang, Simon King, Joe Frankel, "Stochastic Pronunciation Modelling for Out-of-Vocabulary Term Detection", IEEE transaction on Acoustic, Speech and Language Processing, vol.18, no.8, November 2010.
  2. 澶忎簯搴嗭紝鏉ㄨ幑锛屽紶楣忔床锛屽垬瀹囬. 鍩轰簬鎯呮劅鍚戦噺绌洪棿妯″瀷鐨勬瓕璇嶆儏鎰熷垎鏋?涓枃淇℃伅瀛︽姤锛?2010骞?1鏈燂紝99-103.


  1. 閮濆崥涓€锛屽浜戝簡锛岄偓鏅撻挧锛岄儜鏂癸紝鍒樿蕉. 鍩轰簬娉涘寲鍜岀箒娈栫殑鑷妇寮忔剰瑙佺洰鏍囨娊鍙栨柟娉? 娓呭崕澶у瀛︽姤(鑷劧绉戝鐗?, 49(S1):1333-1338, 2009骞?鏈?===2008===
  2. Yunqing Xia, Linlin Wang and Kam-Fai Wong. Sentiment Vector Space Model for Lyric-based Song Sentiment Classification. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Vol. 21, No. 4 (2008): 331-345.
  3. Kam-Fai Wong, Yunqing Xia, Ruifeng Xu, Mingli Wu; Wenjie Li. Pattern-Based Opinion Mining for Stock Market Trend Prediction. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Vol. 21, No. 4 (2008): 347-361.
  4. Javier Tejedor, Dong Wang, Joe Frankel, Simon King, Jose Colas, A comparison of grapheme and phoneme-based units for spoken term detection in Spanish", Speech Communication, 60(11-12):980-991, 2008.

Conference papers


  1. Askar Rozi, Dong Wang, Lantian Li, Thomas FAng Zheng, " Language-aware PLDA for Multilingual Speaker Recognition", OCOCOSDA 2016
  2. Dong Wang, Zhiyuan Tang, Difei Tang, Qing Chen "OC16-CE80: A Chinese-English Mixlingual Database and A Speech Recognition Baseline", OCOCOSDA 2016
  3. Chenghui Zhao, Lantian Li, Dong Wang and April Pu, " Local Training for PLDA in Speaker Verification", OCOCOSDA 2016
  4. Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Thomoas Fang Zheng, "Max-Margin Metric Learning for Speaker Recognition", ISCSLP 2016
  5. Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, " Binary Speaker Embedding", ISCSLP 2016
  6. Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Xiaodong Zhang, Thomas Fang Zheng, Panshi Jin, "System Combination for Short Utterance Speaker Recognition", APSIPA 2016
  7. Zhiyuan Tang, Lantian Li, Dong Wang, "Multi-task Recurrent Model for Speech and Speaker Recognition", APSIPA 2016 pdf]
  8. Askar Rozi, Dong Wang, Lantian Li, Thomas Fang Zheng, "Feature Transformation For Speaker Verification Under Speaking Rate Mismatch Condition", APSIPA 2016
  9. Aiting Liu, Chao Xing, Yang Feng, Dong Wang, "Learning Ordered Word Representations", APSIPA 2016 pdf]
  10. Dong Wang, Lantian Li, Difei Tang, Qing Chen, "AP16-OL7: A Multilingual Database for Oriental Languages and A Language Recognition Baseline", APSIPA 2016
  11. Zhiyuan Tang, Lantian Li, Dong Wang, "Multi-task Recurrent Model for True Multilingual Speech Recognition", APSIPA 2016
  12. Qinxin Wang, Tianyi Luo, Dong Wang, "Can Machine Generate Traditional Chinese Poetry? A Feigenbaum Test", BICS 2016
  13. Dong Wang, Qiang Zhou, Amir Hussian, "Deep and Sparse Learning in Speech and Language Processing: An Overview", BICS 2016
  14. Qixin Wang, Tianyi Luo, Dong Wang, Chao Xing, "Chinese Song Iambics Generation with Neural Attention-based Model", IJCAI 2016
  15. Zhiyuan Tang, Dong Wang, Zhiyong Zhang, "Recurrent Neural Network Training with Dark Knowledge Transfer", ICASSP 2016


  1. Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, "Transfer learning for speech and language processing", APSIPA 2015, invited paper
  2. Miao Fan, Deli Zhao, Qiang Zhou, Thomas Fang Zheng, Ralph Grishman, "Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Embedding for Knowledge Representation", WI 2015 (EI)
  3. Miao Fan, Qiang Zhou and Thomas Fang Zheng, "Distant Supervision for Entity Linking", PACLIC 2015.
  4. Lantian Li, Yiye Lin, Zhiyong Zhang, Dong Wang, "Improved Deep Speaker Feature Learning for Text-Dependent Speaker Recognition", APSIPA 2015
  5. Mengyuan Zhao, Dong Wang, Zhiyong Zhang, Xuewei Zhang, "Music Removal by Denoising Autoencoder in Speech Recognition", APSIPA 2015, best paper
  6. Yiqiao Pan, Chao Xing, Dong Wang, "Sphereical Vector for Classification", APSIPA 2015
  7. Askar Rouze, Dong Wang, Zhiyong Zhang, Thomas Fang Zheng, "Speaker Recognition with UYGTH-20", O-COCOSDA 2015
  8. Askar Rouze, Shi Yin, Zhiyong Zhang, Dong Wang, Askar Humdulla, Fang Zheng, "THUYG THUYG-20: A free Uyghur Speech Database", NCMSSC 2015, Tsinghua Xuebao (in Chinese)
  9. Tianyi Luo, Dong Wang, Rong Liu and Yiqiao Pan, "Stochastic Top-k ListNet", Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2015 long oral paper) , pp. 676-684, Sep 17-21, 2015. Lisbon, Portugal.
  10. Dongxu Zhang, Dong Wang, Rong Liu, "Joint Semantic Relevance Learning with Text Data and Graph Knowledge", ACL 2015, Workshop CVSC.
  11. Hongcui Wang, Di Jin, Lantian Li, Jianwu Dang, "Community detection with manifold learning on speaker i-vector space for Chinese", Interspeech 2015.
  12. Xi Ma, Xiaoxi Wang, Dong Wang, "Recognize Foreign Low-FrequencyWords with Similar Pairs", Interspeech 2015.
  13. Xiangyu Zeng, Shi Yin1, Dong Wang, "Learning Speech Rate in Speech Recognition", Interspeech 2015.
  14. Rozi Askar, Dong Wang, Fanhu Bie, Jun Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, "CROSS-LINGUAL SPEAKER VERIFICATION BASED ON LINEAR TRANSFORM", ChinaSIP 2015. [INSPEC:15417542]
  15. Lantian Li, Thomas Fang Zheng, "Gender-dependent Feature Extraction for Speaker Recognition", ChinaSIP 2015. [INSPEC:15417599]
  17. Chao Xing, Dong Wang, Chao Liu, Yiye Lin, "Normalized Word Embedding and Orthogonal Transform for Bilingual Word Translation", NAACL 2015
  19. Xia, Yunqing ; Li, Xiaoyu; Cambria, Erik; Hussain, Amir, A localization toolkit for sentic net, ICDMW, v 2015-January, January, p 403-408, January 26, 2015, [EI:20152801028692]


  1. Javier Tejedor, Doroteo T. Toledano, and Dong Wang, ATVS-CSLT-HCTLab System for NIST 2013 Open Keyword Search Evaluation, IberSPEECH 2014. Advances in Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8854, 2014, pp 249-258 [WOS:000360168400026, IDS: BD3UH; EI: 20154301427588]
  2. Thomas Fang Zheng, Qin Jin, Lantian Li, Jun Wang, and Fanhu Bie, "An Overview of Robustness Related Issues in Speaker Recognition", APSIPA 2014. [INSPEC:14931954]
  3. Jun Wang, Dong Wang, Ziwei Zhu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Frank Soong, "Discriminative Scoring for Speaker Recognition Based on I-vectors", APSIPA 2014.[EI:20151900830271;INSPEC:14931968]
  4. Chao Xing, Dong Wang, Xuwei Zhang, Chao Liu, Document Classification with Distributions of Word Vectors, APSIPA 2014. [INSPEC:14931754]
  5. Jun Wang, Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, Research on Generalization Property of Time-varying Fbank-weighted MFCC for I-vector Based Speaker Verification, ISCSLP@INTERSPEECH 2014 - the 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing, 12-14 September 2014, Singapore (in Chinese)[ WOS:000349765600103, IDS: BC0WX, INSPEC:14700652]
  6. Fanhu Bie, Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, Research on Truncated Speech in Speaker Verification, ISCSLP@INTERSPEECH 2014 - the 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing, 12-14 September 2014, Singapore (in Chinese)[ WOS:000349765600105,IDS: BC0WX; INSPEC:14700709]
  7. Rong Liu, Dong Wang, Chao Xing, Document Classification Based on Word Vectors, ISCSLP@INTERSPEECH 2014 - the 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing, 12-14 September 2014, Singapore (in Chinese)[WOS:000349765600099,IDS: BC0WX;]
  8. Chao Liu, Dong Wang, Zhiyong Zhang, "Pruning Deep Neural Networks by Optimal Brain Damage", Interspeech 2014.[EI:20144600199705]
  9. Fanhu Bie, Jun Wang, Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, "BLOCK-WISE TRAINING FOR I-VECTOR", ChinaSIP 2014[WOS:000366612600003,IDS: BE0QQ,INSPEC:14563499;EI:20152100870681]
  10. Xiangtao Meng, Chao Liu, Zhiyong Zhang, Dong Wang, "NOISY TRAINING FOR DEEP NEURAL NETWORKS", ChinaSIP2014[WOS:000366612600004,IDS: BE0QQ;INSPEC:14563429;EI:20152100870020]
  11. Miao Fan, Qiang Zhou, Emily Chang, Thomas Fang Zheng, "Transition-based Knowledge Graph Embedding with Relational Mapping Properties", PACLIC 2014.
  12. Miao Fan, Deli Zhao, Qiang Zhou, Zhiyuan Liu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Edward Y. Chang. 鈥淒istant Supervision for Relation Extraction with Matrix Completion,鈥?in Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2014) (Volume 1: Long Papers), pp. 839-849, June 23-25, 2014. Baltimore, Maryland. USA [EI:20143718156957]
  13. Miao Fan, Qiang Zhou, and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淢ining the Personal Interests of Microbloggers via Exploiting Wikipedia Knowledge,鈥?Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2014), Kathmandu, Nepal, April 6-12, 2014; A. Gelbukh (Ed.): CICLing 2014, Part II, LNCS 8404, pp. 188-200, 2014, Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 [ WOS:000342990000016,IDS: BB3PT, INSPEC:14269297; EI:20142017719416]
  14. Guoyu Tang, Yunqing Xia, Jun Sun, Min Zhang, and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淭opic Models Incorporating Statistical Word Senses,鈥?Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2014), Kathmandu, Nepal, April 6-12, 2014; A. Gelbukh (Ed.): CICLing 2014, Part I, LNCS 8403, pp. 151-162, 2014, Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 [WOS:000342989200013,IDS: BB3PO, INSPEC:14269334;EI: 20142017719370]
  15. Xia, Yunqing; Tang, Guoyu*; Zhao, Huan Cambria, Erik Zheng, Thomas Fang, "Using word sense as a latent variable in LDA can improve topic modeling", ICAART 2014, Pages: 532-537 [EI: 20142517844063]
  16. Tang, Guoyu*; Xia, Yunqing; Wang, Weizhi, "Clustering tweets using Wikipedia concepts", LREC,MAY 26-31, 2014, [ WOS:000355611003137, IDS 鍙? BC8FH]
  17. Xia, Yunqing ; Zhao, Huan; Liu, Kaiyu; Zhu, Hualing, Normalization of Chinese informal medical terms based on multi-field indexing, Communications in Computer and Information Science, v 496, p 311-320, 2014 [EI: 20145000322484]
  18. Xia, Yunqing ; Lin, Haizhou; Liu, Yi; Lau, Raymond , Leaning to train: Linking financial news articles to company short names, ICEBE 2014, p 240-245, December 10, 2014, [EI: 20150300423684]
  19. Xia, Yunqing ; Xie, Zhongda*; Zhang, Qiuge; Wang, Huiyuan; Zhao, Huan, Cannabis_TREATS_cancer: Incorporating fine-grained ontological relations in medical document ranking, Communications in Computer and Information Science, v 496, p 275-285, 2014 [EI: 20145000322481]


  1. Fanhu Bie, Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, Javier Tejedor, Ruxin Chen, "Emotional Adaptive Training for Speaker Verification", APSIPA 2013. [WOS:000331094400020,IDS: BA0ES,INSPEC:14002776; EI:20140717305100]
  2. Jun Wang, Dong Wang, Xiaojun Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng and Javier Tejedor, "Sequential Model Adaptation for Speaker Verification", Interspeech 2013.[EI:20143518095138]
  3. Jun Qi, Dong Wang and Javier Tejedor, "Subspace Models for Bottleneck Features", Interspeech 2013.[EI:20143518095156]
  4. Jun Qi, Dong Wang, Ji Xu and Javier Tejedor, "Bottleneck Features based on Gammatone Frequency Cepstral Coefficients", Interspeech 2013.[EI:20143518095157]
  5. Jun Wang, Dong Wang, Xiaojun Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng, "SEQUENTIAL UBM ADAPTATION FOR SPEAKER VERIFICATION", ChinaSip 2013. [INSPEC:13839493; EI:20135017076739]
  6. Fanhu Bie, Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, "EMOTIONAL SPEAKER VERIFICATION WITH LINEAR ADAPTATION", ChinaSip 2013.[INSPEC:13839501; EI:20135017076684]
  7. Jun Qi, Dong Wang, Yi Jiang, Runsheng Liu "AUDITORY FEATURES BASED ON GAMMATONE FILTERS FOR ROBUST SPEECH RECOGNITION",ISCAS13.[WOS:000332006800077, IDS: BA0OS, INSPEC:13693256; EI:20133716719903]
  8. Junjun Wang, Guoyu Tang, Yunqing Xia, Qiang Zhou, Fang Zheng, Qinan Hu, Sen Na, Yaohai Huang, 鈥淯nderstanding the Query: THCIB and THUIS at NTCIR-10 Intent Task,鈥?pp. 132-139, Proceedings of the 10th NII Test Collection for IR Systems (NTCIR) Conference, June 18-21, 2013, Tokyo, Japan
  9. Yunqing Xia, Xiaoshi Zhong, Guoyu Tang, Junjun Wang, Qiang Zhou, Thomas Fang Zheng, Qinan Hu, Sen Na, and Yaohai Huang, 鈥淩anking Search Intents Underlying a Query,鈥?18th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2013), Salford, UK, June 2013; E. M茅tais et al. (Eds.): Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, LNCS 7934, pp. 266鈥?71, 2013. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg [INSPEC:13685663;EI:20134116830107]
  10. Chenhao Zhang and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淎 FisherVoice Based Feature Fusion Method for Short Utterance Speaker Recognition,鈥?pp. 165-169, IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP 2013), Jul. 6-10, Beijing, China [EI:20135017076700]
  11. TANG Guoyu, XIA Yunqing, ZHANG Min, ZHENG Thomas Fang, 鈥淒ocument Clustering based on Word Sense Cluster,鈥?J. Chinese Information Processing, 27 (3): 113-119, Nov. 2013 (in Chinese) [CSCD:4865754]
  12. LI Yinguo, OUYANG Xizi, ZHENG Thomas Fang, 鈥淎nalysis of noise robustness of auditory features in speech recognition,鈥?J Tsinghua Univ (Sci&Tech), 53(8): 1082-1086, Aug. 2013 (in Chinese)[EI:20140317209061; CSCD:5027243]
  13. LI Yinguo, OUYANG Xizi, ZHENG Thomas Fang, 鈥淕ammatone-based Features for Robust Speech Recognition,鈥?12th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC'13), Aug. 5-7, 2013, Guiyang (in Chinese)
  14. ZHANG Chenhao, ZHENG Thomas Fang, WANG Linlin Wang, 鈥淧honeme Class based Multi-Model Method for Short Utterance Speaker Recognition,鈥?12th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC鈥?3), Aug. 5-7, 2013, Guiyang; also J Tsinghua Univ (Sci&Tech), 53(6): 813-817, Jun. 2013 (NCMMSC鈥?013 Best Student Paper Award) (in Chinese) [INSPEC:14276438; EI: 20134416914699]
  15. YIN Cong, BAI Jing, GONG Cheng, ZHANG Chenhao, ZHENG Thomas Fang, Waleed H. Abdulla, 鈥淣oise-robustness of speaker verification based on the perceptual log area ratio,鈥?12th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC鈥?3), Aug. 5-7, 2013, Guiyang; also J Tsinghua Univ (Sci&Tech), 53(6): 791-795, Jun. 2013 (in Chinese)[INSPEC:14276434; EI: 20134416914694]
  16. Tang, Guoyu*; Xia, Yunqing; Cambria, Erik; Jin, Peng, Inducing word senses for cross-lingual document clustering, CIS 2013, p 409-414, 2013, [EI: 20141217490327]
  17. Fu, Guang; Xia, Yunqing, Difference between fault-juxtaposition and fault-rock lateral seals, Natural Gas Industry, v 33, n 10, p 11-17, October 2013, [EI: 20135217140773]


  1. Dong Wang, Javier Tejedor "Heterogeneous convolutive non-negative sparse coding",interspeech 2012.
  2. Chao Liu, Dong Wang "N-gram indexing for spoken term detection",interspeech 2012.
  3. Ravichander Vipperla, Juergen Geiger, Simon Bozonnet, Dong Wang, Nicholas Evans, Bjoern Schuller, Gerhard Rigoll, "Speech overlap detection and attribution using convolutive non-negative sparse coding", ICASSP 2012.
  4. Huan Zhao, Yunqing Xia, Raymond Y. K. Lau, Yi Liu. Word Sentiment Polarity disambiguation based on Opinion level context. In ICMLC 2012 IWWIP workshop.
  5. Yunqing Xia, Guoyu Tang, Peng Jin, Xia Yang. CLTC: A Chinese-English Cross-lingual Topic Corpus. LREC 2012.
  6. Erik Cambria, Yunqing Xia, Amir Hussain. Affective Common Sense Knowledge Acquisition for Sentiment Analysis. LREC 2012.
  7. Chao Zhang, Yi Liu, Yunqing Xia, Chin-Hui Lee. Discriminative Dynamic Gaussian Mixture Selection with Enhanced Robustness and Performance for Multi-Accent Speech Recognition. ICASSP 2012.
  8. Miao Fan, Qiang Zhou, Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淐ontent-Based Semantic Tag Ranking for Recommendation,鈥?IEEE/WIC/ACM Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology 2012, World Intelligence Congress, 4-7 December 2012, Macau SAR, China
  9. TANG Guoyu, XIA Yunqing, ZHANG Min, ZHENG Thomas Fang, 鈥淐ross-Lingual Document Clustering Based on Similarity Space Model,鈥?J. Chinese Information Processing, 26 (2): 116-120, Mar. 2012 (in Chinese)
  10. LI Yin-guo, PU Fu-an, Thomas Fang ZHENG, "Statistical thresholding for robust ASR," 24(2): 127-132, Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Natural Science Edition), Apr. 2012
  11. Nakhat Fatima, Xiaojun Wu and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淪peech Unit Category based Short Utterance Speaker Recognition,鈥?Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS) Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 1407-1430, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Systems and Informatics, December 2012
  12. Chenhao Zhang, Thomas Fang Zheng and Ruxin Chen, 鈥淭ext-Dependent Speaker Recognition with Long-term Features Based on Functional Data Analysis,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP), pp. 340-344, December 5-8, 2012, Hong Kong SAR, China
  13. Chenhao Zhang, Xiaojun Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Linlin Wang and Cong Yin, 鈥淎 K-Phoneme-Class based Multi-Model Method for Short Utterance Speaker Recognition,鈥?the 4th APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2012), December 3-6, 2012, Hollywood, California, USA
  14. Linlin Wang, Xiaojun Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng and Chenhao Zhang, 鈥淎n Investigation into Better Frequency Warping for Time-Varying Speaker Recognition,鈥?the 4th APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2012), December 3-6, 2012, Hollywood, California, USA
  15. Yin-Guo Li, Qin Wei, Thomas Fang Zheng, Yang-rui Yang, 鈥淢ulti-layered Features with SVM for text-independent speaker verification,鈥?International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS), pp. 378-380, Aug 11-13, 2012, Nanjing, China
  16. Nakhat Fatima and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淪yllable Category Based Short Utterance Speaker Recognition,鈥?2012 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing (ICALIP 2012), pp.436-441, July 16-18, 2012, Shanghai, China
  17. Nakhat Fatima and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淰owel-Category based Short Utterance Speaker Recognition,鈥?2012 International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI 2012), pp.1774-1778, 19-20 May 2012, Yantai, China
  18. Nakhat Fatima and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淪hort Utterance Speaker Recognition -- A Research Agenda,鈥?2012 International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI 2012), pp.1746-1750, 19-20 May 2012, Yantai, China


  1. Chao Zhang, Yi Liu, Yunqing Xia, Thomas Fang Zheng, Jesper Olsen, JiLei Tian: Reliable accent specific unit generation with dynamic Gaussian mixture selection for multi-accent speech recognition. ICME 2011: 1-6
  2. Jianfeng Zhang, Yunqing Xia, Bin Ma, Jianmin Yao, and Yu Hong. Thread Cleaning and Merging for Microblog Topic Detection. Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 589鈥?97, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 8 鈥?13, 2011.
  3. Guoyu Tang, Yunqing Xia, Min Zhang, Haizhou Li, Fang Zheng. CLGVSM: Adapting Generalized Vector Space Model to Cross-lingual Document Clustering. Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 580鈥?88, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 8 鈥?13, 2011.
  4. Yunqing Xia, Yonggang Zhang and Jianmin Yao. 2011. Co-clustering Sentences and Terms for Multi-document Summarization. Proc. of CICling鈥?011(II):339-352. Tokyo, Japan, February 20-26, 2011
  5. Yunqing Xia, Taotao Zhao, Jianmin Yao, and Peng Jin. 2011. Measuring Chinese-English Cross-Lingual Word Similarity with HowNet and Parallel Corpus. Proc. of CICling鈥?011(II):221-233. Tokyo, Japan, February 20-26,
  6. Chao Zhang, Yi Liu, Thomas Fang Zheng, "Asymmetric Acoustic Model for Accented Speech Recognition," the Third APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2011), 18-21 October 2011, Xi'an, China
  7. Chao ZHANG, Yi LIU, Thomas Fang ZHENG, "Acoustic Model Reconstruction for Multi-accent Chinese Speech Recognition", 11th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC'11), Oct. 16-18, 2011, Xi'an (NCMMSC鈥?011 Best Student Paper Award) [[also 51(9): 1161-1166, J Tsinghua Univ (Sci&Tech), Sep. 2011] (in Chinese)
  8. HUANG Lei, LI Yin-guo, ZHENG Fang, "Approach of N-Best lists-based confidence measure using mismatching frame proportion weighting," 23(5): 607-611, Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Natural Science Edition), Oct. 2011 (In Chinese)
  9. Qin Jin and Thomas Fang Zheng, "Overview of Front-end Features for Robust Speaker Recognition," the Third APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2011), 18-21 October 2011, Xi'an, China
  10. Chenhao Zhang, Xiaojun Wu, Linlin Wang, Gang Wang, Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, and Thomas Fang Zheng, "A Multi-Model Method for Short-Utterance Speaker Recognition," the Third APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2011), 18-21 October 2011, Xi'an, China
  11. Linlin Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, Chenhao Zhang and Gang Wang, "Discrimination-Emphasized Mel-Frequency-Warping for Time-Varying Speaker Recognition," the Third APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2011), 18-21 October 2011, Xi'an, China (Best Student Paper Award)
  12. Gang Wang, Xiaojun Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Linlin Wang and Chenhao Zhang, 鈥淯sing Class Purity as Criterion for Speaker Clustering in Multi-Speaker Detection Tasks,鈥?the Third APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2011), 18-21 October 2011, Xi'an, China
  13. Gang Wang, Xiaojun Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Linlin Wang and Chenhao Zhang, 鈥淎n Algorithm for Efficient Speaker Identification Using Reference Speaker Model Based Two-Layer Structure,鈥?11th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC'11), Oct. 16-18, 2011, Xi'an [also 51(9): 1261-1266, J Tsinghua Univ (Sci&Tech), Sept. 2011] (in Chinese)
  14. Nakhat FATIMA, Xiaojun Wu, Thomas Fang ZHENG, ZHANG Chenhao, WANG Gang, 鈥淎 Universal Phoneme-Set Based Language Independent Short Utterance Speaker Recognition,鈥?11th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC'11), Oct. 16-18, 2011, Xi'an
  15. D. Wang, R. Vipperla, N. Evans, and T. F. Zheng, 鈥淥nline non-negative convolutive pattern learning for speech signals,鈥?EURECOM Research Report RR-11-261, 2011
  16. CAI Lianhong, JIA Jia, ZHENG Fang, 鈥淭he Research Progress of Speech Information Processing,鈥?J. Chinese Information Processing, 25 (6): 137-141, Nov. 2011 (in Chinese)


  1. Jue HOU, Yi LIU, Thomas Fang ZHENG, Jesper OLSEN, Jilei TIAN, 鈥淯sing cepstral and prosodic features for Chinese accent identification,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP), pp. 177-181, November 29-December 3, 2010, Tainan and Sun Moon Lake
  2. Jue HOU, Yi LIU, Thomas Fang ZHENG, Jesper OLSEN, Jilei TIAN, 鈥淢ulti-layered Features with SVM for Chinese Accent Identification,鈥?International Conference on Audio Language and Image Processing (ICALIP), pp. 25-30, November 23-25, 2010, Shanghai, China
  3. Xianjun TAO, Xiaojun WU, Xiaodong WANG, Fang ZHENG, 鈥淎 new robust and domain-oriented algorithm for text parsing,鈥?J. Chinese Information Processing, 24 (4): 39-43, Jul. 2010 (in Chinese)
  4. Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淎nnotation of Spoken Chinese,鈥?in Shuichi Itahashi and Chiu-yu Tseng Eds. 鈥淐omputer Processing of Asian Spoken Languages,鈥?1st Edition, Consideration Books, Los Angeles, USA, March 2010, pp. 267-270 (Also can be found in Category Resources)
  5. Canhua Luo, Xiaojun Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng and Linlin Wang, 鈥淪egmentation-based Method for Text-Dependent Speaker Recognition in Embedded Applications,鈥?the Second APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2010), pp. 466-469, 14-17 December 2010, Biopolis, Singapore
  6. Gang Wang, Xiaojun Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Linlin Wang and Chenhao Zhang, 鈥淩egression-class Tree based Method for Efficient Speaker Identification,鈥?the Second APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2010), pp. 462-465, 14-17 December 2010, Biopolis, Singapore
  7. Gang Wang, Xiaojun Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淯sing Phoneme Recognition and Text-dependent Speaker Verification to Improve Speaker Segmentation for Chinese Speech,鈥?pp. 1457-1460, Interspeech, 26-30 September 2010, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan
  8. Gang Wang and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淯sing MMSE to improve session variability estimation,鈥?International Journal of Biometrics, 2(4): 350-357, 2010
  9. Linlin Wang and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淐reation of Time-Varying Voiceprint Database,鈥?Technical Session-6(Oral), Oriental-COCOSDA, Nov. 24-25, 2010, Kathmandu, Nepal
  10. Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淎nnotation of Spoken Chinese,鈥?in Shuichi Itahashi and Chiu-yu Tseng Eds. 鈥淐omputer Processing of Asian Spoken Languages,鈥?1st Edition, Consideration Books, Los Angeles, USA, March 2010, pp. 267-270 (Also can be found in Category Spoken Dialogue and Natural Language Processing)
  11. Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淭he Chinese Corpus Consortium,鈥?in Shuichi Itahashi and Chiu-yu Tseng Eds. 鈥淐omputer Processing of Asian Spoken Languages,鈥?1st Edition, Consideration Books, Los Angeles, USA, March 2010, pp. 65-68


  1. WANG Gang, ZHENG Thomas Fang, 鈥淪peaker recognition using DMFCC over telephone channels,鈥?J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 49(10): 1597-1600, Oct. 2009 (in Chinese)
  2. Gang Wang and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淪peaker segmentation based on between-window correlation over speakers鈥?characteristics,鈥?1st Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2009), pp. 817-820, Oct. 3-7, 2009, Sapporo, Japan
  3. Jianhua Tao, Fang Zheng, Aijun Li, Ya Li, 鈥淎dvances in Chinese natural language processing and language resources,鈥?Oriental-COCOSDA鈥?009, Keynote 3, Aug. 10-12, 2009, Beijing, China
  4. HOU Jue, LIU Yi, ZHENG Fang, JIANG Danning, QIN Yong, HUANG Shilei, LIU Yong, 鈥淰P- tree based multi-stage matching algorithm for query-by-humming systems,鈥?J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 49(S1): 1408-1412, Jul. 2009 (A selected NCMMSC鈥?009 paper)(in Chinese)
  5. CAO Wenxiao, LIU Yi, ZHENG Fang, JIANG Danning, QIN Yong, 鈥淟inear scaling based dynamic programming algorithm for accurate matching in QBH,鈥?J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 49(S1): 1402-1407, Jul. 2009 (A selected NCMMSC鈥?009 paper, NCMMSC'2009 Best Student Paper Award)(in Chinese)
  6. CAO Jiang, WU Xiaojun, XIA Yunqing, Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淎n indexing and filtering algorithm for approximate matching of short texts in Chinese,鈥?10th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC鈥?009), pp. 181-185, Aug. 14-16, 2009, Lanzhou, Gansu, China (in Chinese)
  7. HAO Boyi, XIA Yunqing, WU Xiaojun, ZHENG Fang, LIU Yi, 鈥淏ootstrapping opinion target extraction based on generalization and propagation,鈥?J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 49(S1): 1333-1338, Jul. 2009 (A selected NCMMSC鈥?009 paper)(in Chinese)
  8. CAO Jiang, WU Xiaojun, XIA Yunqing, ZHENG Fang, 鈥淎 pinyin-indexed method for approximate matching in Chinese,鈥?J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 49(S1): 1328-1332, Jul. 2009 (A selected NCMMSC鈥?009 paper)(in Chinese)
  9. ZHANG He, WU Xiaojun, WANG Xiaodong, and ZHENG Fang, 鈥淎utomatic grammar inference based on sentence segmentation for spoken Chinese,鈥?J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 49(S1): 1322-1327, Jul. 2009 (A selected NCMMSC鈥?009 paper )(in Chinese)
  10. Wenxiao Cao, Dan-ning Jiang, Jue Hou, Yong Qin, Thomas Fang Zheng, Yi Liu, 鈥淎 phrase-level piecewise linear scaling algorithm for melody match in Query-by-Humming systems,鈥?2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), pp. 942-945, June 28 - July 3, 2009 Hilton Cancun, Cancun, Mexico
  11. Jue Hou, Dan-ning Jiang, Wen-xiao Cao, Yong Qin, Thomas Fang Zheng, Yi Liu, 鈥淓ffectiveness of n-gram fast match for query-by-humming systems,鈥?2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), pp. 1310-1313, June 28 -July 3, 2009 Hilton Cancun, Cancun, Mexico


  1. LIU Linquan, ZHENG Fang, WU Wenhu, 鈥淪mall data set-based acoustic modeling for dialectal Chinese speech recognition,鈥?J. Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 2008, Vo l. 48, No. 4, pp. 604-607 (in Chinese)
  2. Linquan Liu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu, 鈥淪tate-dependent phoneme-based model merging for dialectal Chinese speech recognition,鈥?Speech Communication, 50(7): 605-615, Jul. 2008
  3. HAO Bo-yi, XIA Yun-qing, ZHENG Fang, 鈥淥PINAX: An Effective Product Attribute Mining System,鈥?4th National Conference on Information Retrieval and Content Security (NCIRCS), Vol. I, pp. 281-290, Nov. 6-7, 2008, Beijing, China. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2008 (in Chinese)
  4. Jingfan Wang, Yunqing Xia, Thomas Fang Zheng and Xiaojun Wu, 鈥淛ob Information Retrieval based on Document Similarity,鈥?Asia Information Retrieval Symposium (AIRS) 2008, Jan. 15-18, 2008, Harbin, China
  5. CAO Wenxiao, LIU Yi, Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淟ocal Mismatch Phone for Confidence Measure in Standard and Accented Chinese Speech Recognition,鈥?6th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP鈥?008), pp. 209-212, 16-19 December 2008, Kunming, China
  6. Lipeng Zhang, Jiang Cao, Mingxing Xu, Fang Zheng, 鈥淧revention of impostors entering speaker recognition systems,鈥?J. Tsinghua Univ (Sci&Tech), 2008, vol. 48, No. S1, pp. 699-703 (in Chinese)
  7. Jiang CAO, Xiaojun WU, Yu Ting Yeung, Tan LEE, Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淎utomatic Collecting of Text Data for Cantonese Language Modeling,鈥?Oriental COCOSDA 2008, pp. 130-134, November 25-27, 2008, Kyoto, Japan


  1. LIU Yi, ZHENG Fang, HE Lei, XIA Yunqing, 鈥淪tate-dependent mixture tying with variable codebook size for accented speech recognition,鈥?IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, pp. 300-305, 9-13 Dec. 2007, Kyoto, Japan
  2. LIU Yi锛孒E Lei, ZHENG Fang, 鈥淢odeling sound changes in Mandarin spontaneous speech using deleted interpolation of mixture component weights,鈥?9th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC鈥?007), Oct. 21-24, 2007, Huangshan, Anhui, China
  3. Linquan Liu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Makoto Akabane, Ruxin Chen, Wenhu Wu, 鈥淯sing a small development set to build a robust dialectal Chinese speech recognizer,鈥?Interspeech-EuroSpeech, pp.1729-1732, Aug. 27-31, 2007, Antwerp, Belgium
  4. Jingfan WANG, Xiaojun WU, Yunqing XIA, Thomas Fang ZHENG, 鈥淎n approximate string matching algorithm for Chinese information retrieval systems,鈥?J. Chinese Information Processing, 21 (6): 59-64, Nov. 2007 (in Chinese)
  5. Jingfan Wang锛孻unqing Xia锛孎ang Zheng锛孹iaojun Wu, 鈥淎 two-step job information retrieval method,鈥?9th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC鈥?007), Oct. 21-24, 2007, Huangshan, Anhui, China (in Chinese)
  6. Yun-Qing Xia, Jian-Xin Wang, Fang Zheng, Yi Liu, 鈥淎 binarization approach to email categorization using binary decision tree,鈥?Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC) , 3459-3464, 19-22 August 2007, Hong Kong
  7. Yun-qing Xia, Rui-Feng Xu, Kam-Fai Wong, Fang Zheng, 鈥淭he unified collocation framework for opinion mining,鈥?Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), 844-850, 19-22 August 2007, Hong Kong
  8. Liangwu Zhong and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淪tudy on approaches to retrieval of Chinese organization name based on its abbreviated name,鈥?J. Chinese Information Processing, 21 (1): 38-42, Jan. 2007 (in Chinese)
  9. Bao Huanjun, Zheng Fang, 鈥淐ombined GMM-UBM and SVM speaker identification system,鈥?J. Tsinghua Univ (Sci&Tech), 2008, vol. 48, No. S1, pp. 693-698 (NCMMSC鈥?007 Best Student Paper Award) (in Chinese)
  10. Bao Huanjun, Zheng Fang, 鈥淎nalysis on GMM-UBM and SVM speaker identification systems and the fusion of them,鈥?9th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC鈥?007), Oct. 21-24, 2007, Huangshan, Anhui, China (NCMMSC鈥?007 Best Student Paper Award) (in Chinese)
  11. Lipeng Zhang, Jiang Cao, Mingxing Xu, Fang Zheng, 鈥淩esearch on preventing impostors from crushing into speaker recognition systems,鈥?9th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC鈥?007), Oct. 21-24, 2007, Huangshan, Anhui, China (in Chinese)
  12. Huanjun Bao, Mingxing Xu, and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淓motion attribute projection for speaker recognition on emotional speech,鈥?Interspeech-EuroSpeech, pp.758-761, Aug. 27-31, 2007, Antwerp, Belgium
  13. Wei Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Ming-Xing Xu, Frank Soong, 鈥淎 Channel Robust Speaker Verification Algorithm Using Cohort-based Speaker Model Synthesis,鈥?IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 15(6): 1893-1903, August 2007
  14. Jing Deng, Thomas Fang Zheng and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淪ession Variability Subspace Projection based Model Compensation for Speaker Verification,鈥?International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP鈥?7), pp. IV-57~60, April 15-20, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
  15. Aijun Li and Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淥-COCOSD Activities in China,鈥?Oriental COCOSDA 2007, p. 160, December 4-6, 2007, Hanoi, Vietnam
  16. Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淒ialectal Chinese data collection,鈥?Oriental COCOSDA 2007, pp. 78-83, December 4-6, 2007, Hanoi, Vietnam
  17. Hsiao-Chuan Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, and Jianhua Tao, 鈥淐SLP Corpora and Language Resources,鈥?in Chin-Hui Lee, Haizhou Li, Lin-shan Lee, Ren-hua Wang, and Qiang Huo Eds. 鈥淎dvances in Chinese Spoken Language Processing,鈥?World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2007, pp. pp. 523-537


  1. LIU Jian, ZHENG Fang, DENG Jing, WU Wen-hu, 鈥淐ombined Magnitude Difference Function Based Pitch Tracking Algorithm,鈥?ACTA Electronica Sinica, 34(10): 1925~1928, Oct. 2006
  2. LIU Jian锛孼HENG Fang锛學U Wenhu, 鈥淩eal-time pitch tracking based on sum of magnitude difference square function,鈥?J. Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 46(1): 74-77, Jan. 2006 (in Chinese)
  3. Linquan Liu, Thomas Fang Zheng, and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淓nglish Alphabet Recognition Based on Chinese Acoustic Modeling,鈥?in Qiang Huo, Bin Ma, Eng-Siong Chng, Haizhou Li Eds. 鈥淐hinese Spoken Language Processing,鈥?Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society (COLIPS), Singapore, 2006, pp. 463-472 (Companion Volume of proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language 2006 (ISCSLP 2006), Singapore, December 13-16, 2006)
  4. Linquan Liu, Thomas Fang Zheng, and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淪tate-Dependent Phoneme-Based Model Merging for Dialectal Chinese Speech Recognition,鈥?in Qiang Huo, Bin Ma, Eng-Siong Chng, Haizhou Li Eds. 鈥淐hinese Spoken Language Processing,鈥?Springer-Verlag Berlin Herdelberg, Germany, 2006, pp. 282-293 (Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2006), Singapore, December 13-16, 2006) (SCI)
  5. Linquan Liu, Thomas Fang Zheng and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淎utomatic Initial/Final Generation for Dialectal Chinese Speech Recognition,鈥?INTERSPEECH-ICSLP, pp. 141-144, September 17-21, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  6. Jing Li, Thomas Fang Zheng, William Byrne and Dan Jurafsky, 鈥淎 dialectal Chinese speech recognition framework,鈥?J. of Computer Science and Technology, 21(1): 106-115, Jan. 2006
  7. Qi Liang, Thomas Fang Zheng, Mingxing Xu, Wenhu Wu. 鈥淟anguage Model Adaptation Based on the Classification of a trigram鈥檚 Language Style Feature,鈥?J. Chinese Information Processing, 20 (4): 68-74, Jul. 2006 (in Chinese)
  8. Zhibo Liu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Xiaojun Wu, and Mingxing Xu, 鈥淭owards A New Implementation Approach for Rapid Development of Text-based Dialog Systems,鈥?11th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology 2006 (SST鈥?006), pp. 48-51, Dec. 6-8, 2006, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
  9. Zhibo Liu, Michael Brasser, Thomas Fang Zheng, and Mingxing Xu, 鈥淎 new implementation approach of grammar generation tool for text-based SDS,鈥?Computer Science, 33(11): 205~209, Nov. 2006 (in Chinese)
  10. SUN Hui锛孼HENG Fang锛學U Wenhu, 鈥淐onfidence scoring using context dependent features for word verification,鈥?J. Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 46(1): 94-97, Jan. 2006 (in Chinese)
  11. Thomas Fang Zheng, Zhanjiang Song, Lihong Zhang, Michael Brasser, Wei Wu, Jing Deng 鈥淐CC Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2006: Overview, Methods, Data, Results and Perspective,鈥?in Qiang Huo, Bin Ma, Eng-Siong Chng, Haizhou Li Eds. 鈥淐hinese Spoken Language Processing,鈥?Springer-Verlag Berlin Herdelberg, Germany, 2006, pp. 485-493 (Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2006), Singapore, December 13-16, 2006) (SCI)
  12. Jing Deng, Thomas Fang Zheng and Wenhu Wu 鈥淯BM based Speaker Segmentation and Clustering for 2-Speaker Detection,鈥?in Qiang Huo, Bin Ma, Eng-Siong Chng, Haizhou Li Eds. 鈥淐hinese Spoken Language Processing,鈥?Springer-Verlag Berlin
  13. Herdelberg, Germany, 2006, pp. 116-125 (Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2006), Singapore, December 13-16, 2006) (SCI)
  14. Zhenyu Xiong, Thomas Fang Zheng, Zhanjiang Song, Frank Soong, Wenhu Wu, 鈥淎 tree-based kernel selection approach to efficient Gaussian mixture model - universal background model based speaker identification,鈥?Speech Communication, 48(10): 1273-1282, Oct. 2006 (SCI)
  15. Wei Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Ming-Xing Xu, and Huan-Jun Bao, 鈥淪tudy on Speaker Verification on Emotional Speech,鈥?INTERSPEECH-ICSLP, pp. 2102-2105, September 17-21, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  16. Deng Jing, Zheng Fang, Liu Jian, Wu Wenhu, 鈥淯sing subband Mel-spectrum centroid and Gassian mixture correlation for robust speaker identification,鈥?ACTA ACUSTICA, 31(5): 471-475, Sept. 2006 (in Chinese)
  17. Xiong Zhenyu, Zheng Fang, Song Zhanjiang,Wu Wenhu, 鈥淭ree-structural universal background model based efficient speaker identification,鈥?J. Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 46(7): 1305-1308, Jul. 2006 (in Chinese)
  18. Wei Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng, and Mingxing Xu, 鈥淐ohort-based speaker model synthesis for channel robust speaker recognition,鈥?International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP鈥?6), pp. I-893~896, May 14-19, 2006, Toulouse, France


  1. Jian Liu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Jing Deng and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淩eal-time Pitch Tracking Based on Combined SMDSF,鈥?the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech-2005), pp. 301-304, Sept. 4-8, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal
  2. Qi Liang, Thomas Fang Zheng, Mingxing Xu, and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淟anguage model adaptation based on the classification of a trigram鈥檚 language style feature,鈥?International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (IEEE NLP-KE鈥?5), pp. 91-96, Oct. 30-Nov. 1, Wuhan, China
  3. CHEN Defeng, ZHENG Fang, WU Wenhu, LIU Jian锛孌ENG Jing, SONG Zhanjiang, ZHOU Xunyi, 鈥淎pplication and implementation of dynamically-adjustable histogram pruning for PDA voice dialing,鈥?Audio Engineering, vol. 246, pp. 38-43, Dec. 2005 (in Chinese)
  4. Defeng CHEN, Fang ZHENG, Jian LIU, Jing DENG, Wenhu WU, Zhanjiang SONG, and Xunyi ZHOU, 鈥淭he dynamically-adjustable histogram pruning method for embedded voice dialing,鈥?the 7th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, pp. 46-51, Aug. 15-17, 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
  5. Xiaojun Wu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Michael Brasser, Zhanjiang Song, 鈥淩apidly Developing Spoken Chinese Dialogue Systems with the d-Ear SDS SDK,鈥?the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech-2005), pp. 829-832, Sept. 4-8, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal
  6. Jing Deng, Thomas Fang Zheng, Jian Liu, Wenhu Wu, 鈥淭he Predictive Differential Amplitude Spectrum for Robust Speaker Recognition in Stationary Noises,鈥?the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech-2005), pp. 3105-3108, Sept. 4-8, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal
  7. Jing Deng, Thomas Fang Zheng, Zhanjiang Song, Jian Liu, 鈥淢odeling High-level Information by Using Gaussian Mixture Correlation for GMM-UBM Based Speaker Recognition,鈥?the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech-2005), pp. 2033-2036, Sept. 4-8, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal
  8. Jing Deng, Thomas Fang Zheng, Zhan-Jiang Song, Jian Liu, and Wen-Hu Wu, 鈥淯sing predictive differential power spectrum and subband mel-spectrum centroid for robust speaker recognition in stationary noises,鈥?the 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, vol.8, pp. 4846-4851, Aug. 18-21, 2005, Guangzhou, Shandong, China
  9. Zhenyu Xiong, Thomas Fang Zheng, Zhanjiang Song, and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淐ombining Selection Tree with Observation Reordering Pruning for efficient speaker identification using GMM-UBM,鈥?International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, I:625-628, Mar. 19-23, 2005, Philadelphia, USA
  10. Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淭he Voiceprint Recognition Activities over China - Standardization and Resources,鈥?Oriental COCOSDA 2005, pp. 54-58, December 6-8, 2005, Jakarta, Indonesia


  1. LI Jing锛孼HENG Fang锛孼HANG Jiyong锛學U Wenhu, "Context Dependent Initial/Final Acoustic Modeling for Chinese Continuous Speech Recognition," J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 24(1) : 61-64, Jan. 2004
  2. Thomas Fang Zheng, Jing Li, Zhanjiang Song, and Mingxing Xu, 鈥淎 Two-Step Keyword Spotting Method Based on Context-Dependent a Posteriori Probability鈥? International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP), pp.281-284, 15-18 Dec. 2004, Hong Kong
  3. Pengju Yan and Fang Zheng, 鈥淐ontext Directed Speech Recognition in Dialogue Systems,鈥?International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages: Emphasis on Tone Languages, pp. 225-228, Mar. 28-30, 2004, Beijing, China [Other papers of this symposium can be found at]
  4. Zhenyu Xiong, Thomas Fang Zheng, and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淲eighting Observation Vectors for Robust Speech Recognition in Noisy Environments,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?004), pp. 819-822, Oct. 4-8, 2004, Jeju Island, Korea
  5. Guoliang Zhang, Hui Sun, Fang Zheng, and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淩obust Speech Recognition Directed by Extended Template Matching in Dialogue System,鈥?Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, pp. 4207-4210, June 15-19, 2004, Hangzhou, P.R. China
  6. Thomas Fang Zheng, 鈥淢aking Full Use of Chinese Speech Corpora,鈥?Invited Keynote Speech, Oriental-COCOSDA, pp.9-23, Oct. 1-3, Sentosa, Singapore [Presentation in .ppt format] [Also: J. of Chinese Language and Computing (JCLC), 14(4): 251-267, Dec. 2004, pdf]


  1. Genqing WU and Fang ZHENG, 鈥淎 Method to Build a Super Small but Practically Accurate Language Model for Handheld Devices,鈥?J. Computer Science & Technology, 18(6): 747-755, Nov. 2003
  2. Genqing WU and Fang ZHENG, 鈥淩educing Language model size by Importance-based pruning and rank-Based Quantization,鈥?Oriental-COCOSDA, pp.156-159, Oct. 1-3, Sentosa, Singapore
  3. ZHANG Guoliang, XU Mingxing, LI Jing, ZHENG Fang, WU Wenhu, 鈥淐ross-word search algorithm based on two-layer lexical tree in speech recognition,鈥?J Tsinghua Univ (Sci &Tech), 43(7): 981-984, Jul. 2003 (in Chinese)
  4. Jing Li, Fang Zheng, Jiyong Zhang, Mingxing Xu, and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淭he Definition and Extension of the Question Set for Decision Tree Based State Tying in Chinese Speech Recognition,鈥?International Conference on Chinese Computing, pp. 106-110, Nov. 27-29, 2001, Singapore
  5. WU Xiao-Jun, ZHENG Fang, XU Ming-Xing, 鈥淭opic forest based dialog management model,鈥?Acta Automatica Sinica, 29(2): 275-283, March 2003 (in Chinese)
  6. CHEN Xiaoxia, ZHENG Fang, LI Jing, 鈥淭he transcription based phone change analysis on Shanghai Dialectal Putonghua,鈥?National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC7), pp. 224-227, Nov. 23-25, 2003, Xiamen
  7. Hui SUN, Guoliang ZHANG, Fang ZHENG, and Mingxing, XU, 鈥淯sing Word Confidence Measure for OOV Words Detection in a Spontaneous Spoken Dialog System,鈥?EuroSpeech, pp. 2713-2716, Sept. 1-4, 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
  8. XIONG Zhenyu, ZHENG Fang, LI Jing and WU Wenhu, 鈥淎n automatic prompting texts selecting algorithm for di-IFs balanced speech corpus,鈥?National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC7), pp. 252-256, Nov. 23-25, 2003, Xiamen
  9. Jing Li, Fang Zheng, Zhenyu Xiong, and Wenuhu Wu, 鈥淐onstruction of Large-Scale Shanghai Putonghua Speech Corpus for Chinese Speech Recognition,鈥?Oriental-COCOSDA, pp.62-69, Oct. 1-3, Sentosa, Singapore


  1. WANG Fan, ZHENG Fang, and WU Wenhu, 鈥淢ultiscale fractal dimension based I/F segmentation for Mandarin speech,鈥?Journal of Tsinghua University, 42(1): 68-71, January 2002 (in Chinese)
  2. WANG Fan, ZHENG Fang, and WU Wenhu, 鈥淪peech Detection in Non-Stationary Noise,鈥?Journal of Computer Science & Technology, 17(1): 83-89, January 2002 (EI & SCI)
  3. Zhang Xinyan, Wang Fan, Zheng Fang, Xu Mingxing, and Wu Wenhu, 鈥淪ub-band information based robust speech feature extraction framework,鈥? J. Chinese Information Processing, 16 (1): 19-24, Jan. 2002 (in Chinese) (A rewarded NCMMSC'6 paper selected by JCIP)
  4. Pengju Yan, Fang Zheng, Hui Sun, and Mingxing Xu, 鈥淪pontaneous speech parsing in travel information inquiring and booking systems,鈥?Journal of Computer Science and Technology, pp. 924-932, Vol.17, No.6, November 2002
  5. Fang Zheng, Zhanjiang Song, Pascale Fung, and William Byrne, 鈥淩educing pronunciation lexicon confusion and using more data without phonetic transcription for pronunciation modeling,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing 2002, pp. 2461-2464, Sep. 16-20, 2002, Colorado, USA
  6. Fang Zheng (閮戞柟), Zhanjiang Song (瀹嬫垬姹?, Pascale Fung, William Byrne. 鈥淢andarin Pronunciation Modeling Based on CASS Corpus,鈥?J. Computer Science & Technology, 17(3): 249-263, May 2002 (EI & SCI)
  7. Genqing WU, Fang ZHENG, Wenhu WU, Mingxing XU, and Ling JIN, 鈥淚mproved Katz smoothing for language modeling in speech recognition,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing 2002, pp. 925-928, Sep. 16-20, 2002, Colorado, USA
  8. Genqing WU, Fang ZHENG, and Wenhu WU, 鈥淎 compression method used in language modeling for handheld devices,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing 2002, pp. 339-342, Aug. 22-24, 2002, Taipei
  9. Wu Genqing, Zheng Fang, Jin Ling, and Wu Wenhu, 鈥淎n online incremental language model adaptation method,鈥?J. Chinese Information Processing, 16 (1): 60-65, Jan. 2002 (in Chinese) (A rewarded NCMMSC'6 paper selected by JCIP)
  10. Xiaojun WU, Fang ZHENG, and Wenhu WU, 鈥淎 hybrid dialogue management approach for a flight spoken dialogue system,鈥?The First International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, pp. 824-829, Nov. 4-5, 2002, Beijing, China
  11. Thomas Fang Zheng, Pengju Yan, Hui Sun, Mingxing Xu, and Wenuhu Wu. 鈥淐ollection of a Chinese Spontaneous Telephone Speech Corpus and Proposal of Robust Rules for Robust Natural Language Parsing,鈥?Joint International Conference of SNLP-O-COCOSDA 2002, pp. 60-67, 09-11 May 2002, Hua Hin, Thailand (Also can be found in Category Resources)
  12. HUANG Yinfei, ZHENG Fang, SU Yi, LI Fang, XU Mingxing, and WU Wenhu, 鈥淓llipsis resolution in spoken dialogue system: EasyNav,鈥?Journal of Tsinghua University, 42(1): 99-91, January 2002 (in Chinese)
  13. Thomas Fang Zheng, Pengju Yan, Hui Sun, Mingxing Xu, and Wenuhu Wu. 鈥淐ollection of a Chinese Spontaneous Telephone Speech Corpus and Proposal of Robust Rules for Robust Natural Language Parsing,鈥?Joint International Conference of SNLP-O-COCOSDA 2002, pp. 60-67, 09-11 May 2002, Hua Hin, Thailand (Also can be found in Category Spoken Dialogue and Natural Language Processing)


  1. Zhang Xinyan, Wang Fan, Zheng Fang, Xu Mingxing, and Wu Wenhu, 鈥淪ub-band information based robust speech feature extraction framework,鈥?National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communications (6), pp. 35-38, 20-22 Nov 2001, Shenzhen (in Chinese) (2nd Prize of NCMMSC Young Excellent Paper Award)
  2. Fang Zheng, Guoliang Zhang and Zhanjiang Song, 鈥淐omparison of Different Implementations of MFCC,鈥?J. Computer Science & Technology, 16(6): 582-589, Sept. 2001 (EI & SCI)
  3. Fan Wang, Fang Zheng, and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淎n MCE based Classification Tree Using Hierarchical Feature-Weighting in Speech Recognition,鈥?EuroSpeech, 3:1947-1950, Sept. 3-7, 2001, Aalborg, Denmark
  4. Jiyong Zhang, Fang Zheng, Jing Li, Chunhua Luo, and Guoliang Zhang, 鈥淚mproved Context-Dependent Acoustic Modeling for Continuous Chinese Speech Recognition,鈥?EuroSpeech, 3:1617-1620, Sept. 3-7, 2001, Aalborg, Denmark
  5. Fang Zheng, Zhanjiang Song, Pascale Fung, and William Byrne, 鈥淢andarin Pronunciation Variation Modeling,鈥?National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC6), pp.K51-64, 20-22 Nov 2001, Shenzhen (Invited Keynote Speech)
  6. Fang Zheng, Zhanjiang Song, Pascale Fung, William Byrne, 鈥淢odeling Pronunciation Variation Using Context-Dependent Weighting and B/S Refined Acoustic Modeling,鈥?EuroSpeech, 1:57-60, Sept. 3-7, 2001, Aalborg, Denmark
  7. W. Byrne, V. Venkataramani, T. Kamm, T. F. Zheng, Z. Song, P. Fung, Y. Liu, U. Ruhi, "Automatic generation of pronunciation lexicons for Mandarin spontaneous speech," International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 7-11, 2001, Salt Lake City, USA (EI)
  8. Wu Genqing, Zheng Fang, Jin Ling, and Wu Wenhu, 鈥淎n online incremental language model adaptation method,鈥?National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC6), pp.51-54, 20-22 Nov 2001, Shenzhen (in Chinese) (3rd Prize of NCMMSC Young Excellent Paper Award)
  9. Jin Ling, Wu Wenhu, Zheng Fang, and Wu Genqing, 鈥淎pplication of a Distance-weighted Statistical Language Model,鈥?J. of Chinese Information Processing, 15(6): 47-52, November, 2001 (in Chinese)
  10. Genqing Wu, Fang Zheng, Ling Jin, and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淎n Online Incremental Language Model Adaptation Method,鈥?EuroSpeech, 3:2139-2142, Sept. 3-7, 2001, Aalborg, Denmark
  11. Li Jing, Xu Mingxing, Zhang Jiyong, Zheng Fang, Wu Wenhu, and Fang Ditang, 鈥淐omparison on acoustic modeling unit in continuous Chinese speech recognition: syllable, phoneme and initial/final,鈥?National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC6), pp.267-271, 20-22 Nov 2001, Shenzhen (in Chinese)
  12. Zhang Guoliang, Zheng Fang, and Wu Wenhu, 鈥淭wo-layer lexical tree based search algorithm for LVCSR,鈥?National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC6), pp.239-242, 20-22 Nov 2001, Shenzhen (in Chinese)
  13. Luo, Chunhua, Zhang Jiyong, Zheng Fang, and Xu Mingxing, 鈥淎n HTK based word graph search algorithm,鈥?National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC6), pp. 203-206, 20-22 Nov 2001, Shenzhen (in Chinese)
  14. Guoliang Zhang, Fang Zheng, and Wenhu Wu, 鈥淎 Two-Layer Lexical Tree Based Beam Search in Continuous Chinese Speech Recognition,鈥?EuroSpeech, 3:1801-1804, Sept. 3-7, 2001, Aalborg, Denmark
  15. Li Fang, Wu Wenhu, Zheng Fang, Huang Yinfei, and Su Yi, 鈥淒esign of dynamic query organization and response generation in spoken dialogue system,鈥?National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC6), pp. 135-138, 20-22 Nov 2001, Shenzhen (in Chinese)
  16. Huang Yinfei, Zheng Fang, Su Yi, Li Fang, and Wu Wenhu, 鈥淪emantic representation in Spoken Dialogue System EasyNav,鈥?National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC6), pp. 103-106, 20-22 Nov 2001, Shenzhen (in Chinese)
  17. Pengju Yan, Fang Zheng, and Mingxing Xu, 鈥淩obust Parsing in Spoken Dialogue Systems,鈥?3:2149-2152, EuroSpeech, Sept. 3-7, 2001, Aalborg, Denmark
  18. Yi Su, Fang Zheng, and Yinfei Huang, 鈥淒esign of a Semantic Parser with Support to Ellipsis Resolution in a Chinese Spoken Language Dialogue System,鈥?EuroSpeech, 3:2161-2164, Sept. 3-7, 2001, Aalborg, Denmark
  19. Yinfei Huang, Fang Zheng, Yi Su, Fang Li, Wenhu Wu, 鈥淎 Theme Structure Method for the Ellipsis Resolution,鈥?EuroSpeech, 3:2153-2156, Sept. 3-7, 2001, Aalborg, Denmark
  20. HUANG Yinfei, ZHENG Fang, YAN Pengju, XU Mingxing, WU Wenhu. 鈥淭he design and implementation of Campus Navigation System: EasyNav,鈥?J. of Chinese Information Processing, 15(4): 35-40, Jul. 2001 (in Chinese)
  21. Li Fang, Zheng Fang, Wu Wenhu, Huang Yinfei, "Dynamic Query Organization and Response Generation in Spoken Dialogue System," 19th International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (ICCPOL), May 14-16, 2001, Seoul, Korea
  22. Xiaojun Wu, Fang Zheng and Mingxing Xu, "TOPIC Forest: A plan-based dialog management structure," International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 7-11, 2001, Salt Lake City, USA (EI)
  23. YAN Pengju, ZHENG Fang, "Word-class stochastic model and knowledge representation in a spoken language dialogue system," Journal of Tsinghua University, 41(1): 69-72, Jan. 2001
  24. Su Yi, Wu Wenhu, Zheng Fang, and Fang Ditang, 鈥淩esearch on support vector machine based speech recognition,鈥?National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC6), pp.223-226, 20-22 Nov 2001, Shenzhen (in Chinese)


  1. Fan Wang, Fang Zheng, and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淎 C/V segmentation method for Mandarin speech based on multi-scale fractal dimension,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?0), pp. IV-648~651, Oct. 16-20, Beijing
  2. WANG Fan, ZHENG Fang, and WU Wenhu. 鈥淎 self-adapting endpoint detection algorithm for speech recognition in noisy environments based on 1/f process,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP鈥?0), pp. 327-330, Oct. 13-15, 2000, Beijing (ISCSLP Student Excellent Paper Award)
  3. Fang Zheng and Guoliang Zhang. 鈥淚ntegrating the energy information into MFCC,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?0), pp. I-389~292, Oct. 16-20, Beijing
  4. Chunhua Luo, Fang Zheng, and Mingxing Xu. 鈥淎n equivalent-class based MMI learning method for MGCPM,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?0), pp. IV-141~144, Oct. 16-20, Beijing
  5. Jiyong Zhang, Fang Zheng, Mingxing Xu, and Ditang Fang. 鈥淪emi-continuous segmental probability modeling for continuous speech recognition,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?0), pp. I-278~281, Oct. 16-20, Beijing
  6. LUO Chunhua, XU Mingxing, and ZHENG Fang. 鈥淎coustic level error analysis in continuous speech recognition,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP鈥?0), pp. 23-26, Oct. 203-206, 2000, Beijing
  7. ZHANG Jiyong, ZHENG Fang, XU Mingxing, and LI Shuqing. 鈥淚ntra-syllable dependent phonetic modeling for Chinese speech recognition,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP鈥?0), pp. 73-76, Oct. 13-15, 2000, Beijing
  8. LI Jing, ZHENG Fang, and WU Wenhu. 鈥淐ontext-independent Chinese initial-final acoustic modeling,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP鈥?0), pp. 23-26, Oct. 13-15, 2000, Beijing
  9. Tranzai Lee, Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu, and Daowen Chen. 鈥淭he hidden Markov model of co-articulation and its application to the continuous speech recognition,鈥?J. of Electronics (China), 17(3): 242-247, July 2000
  10. Fang Zheng, Zhanjiang Song, Pascale Fung, and William Byrne. 鈥淢andarin pronunciation modeling based on CASS corpus,鈥?Sino-French Symposium on Speech and Language Processing, pp. 47-53, Oct. 16, 2000, Beijing
  11. Pascale Fung, William Byrne, ZHENG Fang Thomas, Terri Kamm, LIU Yi, SONG Zhanjiang, Veera Venkataramani, and Umar Ruhi, 鈥淧ronunciation Modeling of Mandarin Casual Speech,鈥?Final Report for Workshop 2000 for Language Engineering for Students and Professionals Integrating Research and Education,
  12. Fang Zheng, Jian Wu and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淚nput Chinese sentences using digits,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?0), pp. III-127~130, Oct. 16-20, Beijing
  13. Jian Wu and Fang Zheng. 鈥淥n enhancing Katz-smoothing based back-off language model,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?0), pp. I-198~201, Oct. 16-20, Beijing
  14. Ling JIN, Genqing WU, Fang ZHENG, and Wenhu WU. 鈥淚mproved strategies for intelligent sentence input method engine system,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP鈥?0), pp. 247-250, Oct. 13-15, 2000, Beijing
  15. ZHENG Fang, WU Jian and SONG Zhanjiang. 鈥淚mproving the syllable-synchronous network search algorithm for word decoding in continuous Chinese speech recognition,鈥?J. Computer Science & Technology, 15(5): 461-471, Sept. 2000 (EI & SCI)
  16. Yinfei HUANG, Fang ZHENG, and Wenhu WU. 鈥淓asyCmd: navigation by voice commands,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP鈥?0), pp. 145-148, Oct. 13-15, 2000, Beijing
  17. Jian Wu and Fang Zheng. 鈥淩educing time-synchronous beam search effort using stage based look-ahead and language model rank based pruning,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?0), pp. IV-262~265, Oct. 16-20, Beijing
  18. Guoliang ZHANG, Fang ZHENG, and Wenhu WU. 鈥淭one recognition of Chinese continuous speech,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP鈥?0), pp. 207-210, Oct. 13-15, 2000, Beijing
  19. Zhanjiang Song, Fang Zheng, Mingxing Xu, Jian Wu and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淩esearch on Chinese continuous speech recognition system and knowledge based search strategies,鈥?Acta Automatica Sinica, 26(4): 470-477, Jul. 2000 (in Chinese) (EI)
  20. Zhanjiang SONG, Fang ZHENG, and Wenhu WU. 鈥淪tatistical knowledge based frame synchronous search strategies in continuous speech recognition,鈥?International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP鈥?0), pp. III-1583~1586, June 5-9, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey (EI)
  21. Yinfei HUANG, Fang ZHENG, Mingxing XU, Pengju Yan, and Wenhu WU. 鈥淟anguage understanding component for Chinese dialogue system,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?0), pp. III-1053~1056, Oct. 16-20, Beijing
  22. YAN Pengju, ZHENG Fang, XU Mingxing, and HHUANG Yinfei. 鈥淲ord-class stochastic model in a spoken language dialogue system,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP鈥?0), pp. 141-144, Oct. 13-15, 2000, Beijing
  23. YANG Dali, XU Mingxing, WU Wenhu, and ZHENG Fang. 鈥淎 noise cancellation method based on wavelet transform,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP鈥?0), pp. 211-214, Oct. 13-15, 2000, Beijing
  24. Tranzai LEE, Fang ZHENG, and Wenhu WU. 鈥淩eference point alignment frequency warp method for speaker adaptation,鈥?International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP鈥?0), pp. II-756~759, Aug. 21-25, 2000, Beijing
  25. Li Aijun, Chen Xiaoxia, Sun Guohua, Hua Wu, Yin Zhigang, Zu Yiqing, Zheng Fang, and Song Zhanjiang. 鈥淭he phonetic labeling on read and spontaneous discourse corpora,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?0), pp. IV-724~727, Oct. 16-20, Beijing
  26. LI Aijun, ZHENG Fang, William Byrne, Pascale Fung, Terri Kamm, LIU Yi, SONG Zhanjiang, Umar Ruhi, Veera Venkataramani, and CHEN XiaoXia. 鈥淐ASS: A phonetically transcribed corpus of Mandarin spontaneous apeech,鈥?International Conference on Spoken #Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?0), pp. I-485~488, Oct. 16-20, Beijing


  1. Jiyong Zhang, Fang Zheng, Shu Du, Zhanjiang Song and Mingxing Xu. 鈥淢erging-based syllable detection automaton in continuous speech recognition,鈥?J. Software, 10(11): 1212-1215, Nov. 1999 (in Chinese)
  2. Mingxing Xu, Fang Zheng, and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淎 Fast and Effective State Decoding Algorithm,鈥?EuroSpeech'99, Vol. 3, pp.1255-1258, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 1999
  3. Guo Qing, Zheng Fang, Wu Jian and Wu Wenhu. 鈥淎 New Method Used in HMM for Modeling Frame Correlation,鈥?International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP鈥?9), pp. I-169~172, March 15-19, 1999, Phoenix (EI)
  4. Zheng Fang, Xu Mingxing, Mou Xiaolong, Wu Jian, Wu Wenhu, and Fang Ditang. 鈥淗arkMan - A Vocabulary-Independent Keyword Spotter for Spontaneous Chinese Speech,鈥?J. Of Computer Science and Technology. (JCST), 14(1): 18-26, Jan., 1999
  5. Fang Zheng. 鈥淎 Syllable-Synchronous Network Search Algorithm for Word Decoding in Chinese Speech Recognition,鈥?International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP鈥?9), pp. II-601~604, March 15-19, 1999, Phoenix (EI)
  6. Fang Zheng, Zhanjiang Song, Mingxing Xu, Jian Wu, Yinfei Huang, Wenhu Wu, and Cheng Bi. 鈥淓asyTalk: A Large-Vocabulary Speaker-Independent Chinese Dictation Machine,鈥?EuroSpeech'99, Vol. 2, pp.819-822, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 1999
  7. Fang Zheng, Xiaolong Mou, Mingxing Xu, Jian Wu, and Zhanjiang Song. 鈥淪tudies and Implementation of the Techniques for Chinese Dictation Machines,鈥?J. of Software, 10(4): 436-444, April 1999 (in Chinese)
  8. Shuqing Li, Fang Zheng, Mingxing Xu, Zhanjiang Song, and Ditang Fang. 鈥淎 Cantonese accent Chinese speech corpus,鈥?2nd International Workshop on East-Asian Language Resources & Evaluation (Oriental COCOSDA鈥?9), 129-132, May 13-14, 1999, Taipei
  9. Fang Zheng. 鈥淪peech recognition technologies and the trends,鈥?China InfoWorld, No. 91, Dec. 6, 1999 (Invited Paper) (in Chinese)
  10. Zhanjiang Song, Fang Zheng, Mingxing Xu, and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淎n Effective Scoring Method for Speaking Skill Evaluation System,鈥?EuroSpeech'99, Vol. 1, pp.187-190, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 1999


  1. Fang Zheng, Zhanjiang Song, Ling Li, Wenjian Yu, Fengzhou Zheng, and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淭he Distance Measure for Line Spectrum Pairs Applied to Speech Recognition,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?8), 3: 1123-1126 (We1P46), Nov. 30, 1998, Sydney
  2. WU Jian, ZHENG Fang, WU Wen-Hu, and FANG Di-Tang. 鈥淭he Similarity Measure among Acoustic Models and its Two Applications,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP'98), ASR-B3, pp.164-168, Dec.7-9, 1998, Singapore
  3. ZHENG Fang, MOU Xiaolong, WU Wenhu, and FANG Ditang. 鈥淥n the Embedded Multiple-Model Scoring Scheme for Speech Recognition,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP'98), ASR-A3, pp.49-53, Dec.7-9, 1998, Singapore
  4. Qing Guo, Fang Zheng, Jian Wu, and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淣on-Linear Probability Estimation Method Used in HMM for Modeling Frame Correlation,鈥?International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP鈥?8), SST: 1-6, Nov. 30, 1998, Sydney
  5. Zheng Fang, Wu Wenhu, and Fang Ditang. 鈥淐enter-Distance Continuous Probability Models and the Distance Measure,鈥?J. of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 13(5): 426-437, Sept., 1998 (EI)
  6. Jian Wu, Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu and Ditang Fang. 鈥淭he Quick Recognition Algorithm Based on the Equivalent Model Class,鈥?The 5th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC鈥?8), 134-137, July 26-31, 1998, Harbin (in Chinese)
  7. Xiaolong Mou, Jinming Zhan, Fang Zheng and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淭he N-Gram Language Model Based on the Back-off Estimation Algorithm,鈥?The 5th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC鈥?8), 206-209, July 26-31, 1998, Harbin (2nd Prize of NCMMSC鈥?8 Excellent Papers) (in Chinese)
  8. ZHENG Fang, XU Mingxing, MOU Xiaolong, WU Jian, WU Wenhu, and FANG Ditang. 鈥淎 Vocabulary-Independent Keyword Spotter for Spontaneous Chinese Speech,鈥?International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP'98), RSR-3, pp.202-206, Dec.7-9, 1998, Singapore
  9. Mingxing Xu, Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu and Ditang Fang. 鈥淭he Study on Rejection Methods in Continuous Speech Keyword Spotting Systems鈥? J. of Tsinghua University, 38(S1): 89-91, Apr. 1998 (in Chinese)
  10. Fang Zheng, Xiaolong Mou, Mingxing Xu, Jian Wu, Zhanjiang Song, Chongfang Wang and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淭he Implementation of a Speech-to-Text Editor,鈥?The 5th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC鈥?8), 280-285, July 26-31, 1998, Harbin (1st Prize of NCMMSC鈥?8 Excellent Papers) (in Chinese)
  11. Fang Zheng, Mingxing Xu, and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淭he Search Strategies in Continuous Speech Recognition,鈥?The 5th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC鈥?8), 138-143, July 26-31, 1998, Harbin (1st Prize of NCMMSC鈥?8 Excellent Papers) (in Chinese)
  12. Fang Zheng [Translation]. 鈥淭he Role of the DSP Architecture in Improving the Real-time Signal Processing,鈥?Electronic Design World, 11:69-70, Nov. 1998 (in Chinese)
  13. Mingxing Xu, Zhanjiang Song, Fang Zheng, and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淪tudy on the Chinese Speaking Skill Evaluation,鈥?The 5th National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication (NCMMSC鈥?8), 286-289, July 26-31, 1998, Harbin (2nd Prize of NCMMSC鈥?8 Excellent Papers) (in Chinese)
  14. Chongfang Wang and Fang Zheng. 鈥淭he Prospect of the Development of DSPs鈥? Electronic Design World, 7:29-30, July 1998 (in Chinese)


  1. Jian Wu, Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu and Ditang Fang. 鈥淭he application of tone-based feature extraction for speaker-independent speech recognition,鈥?In: Quanyuan Wu, Yueliang Qian, Eds. The Progress of Intelligence Computer Interfaces and Applications (3rd National Conf. On Computer Intelligence Interfaces and Intelligence Applications, Aug. 11-16锛?997, Zhangjiajie, P.R. China). Beijing: The Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 1997. 93-97 (in Chinese)
  2. Fang Zheng, Mingxing Xu, Wenhu Wu. 鈥淭he Description of the Intra-State Feature Space in Speech Recognition,鈥?鈥?7 Int鈥檒 Conf. Research on Computational Linguistics, 272-276, Aug. 22-24, 1997, Taiwan
  3. Fang Zheng, Jian Wu, Wenhu Wu and Ditang Fang. 鈥淎 distance measure for acoustic models based on minimum classification error,鈥?In: Quanyuan Wu, Yueliang Qian, Eds. The Progress of Intelligence Computer Interfaces and Applications (3rd National Conf. On Computer Intelligence Interfaces and Intelligence Applications, Aug. 11-16锛?997, Zhangjiajie, P.R. China). Beijing: The Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 1997. 98-103 (in Chinese)
  4. Fang ZHENG, Wenhu WU, and Ditang FANG. 鈥淎 New Model for Speech Recognition: Center-Distance Continuous Probability Model,鈥?The First China-Japan Workshop on Spoken Language Processing (CJSLP鈥?7), 187-192, Mar. 1997, Huangshan, P.R. China
  5. Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu, and Ditang Fang. 鈥淎 Log-Index Weighted Cepstral Distance Measure for Speech Recognition,鈥?J. Of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 12(2): 177-184, Mar. 1997 (EI)
  6. Fang Zheng, Haixin Chai, Zhijie Shi, Wenhu Wu, and Ditang Fang. 鈥淎 Real-World Speech Recognition System Based on CDCPMs,鈥?Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (J. CPOL), 11(3): 221-231, March. 1998 (An extended version of the paper presented in ICCPOL鈥?7. INVITED PAPER)
  7. Fang Zheng, Haixin Chai, Zhijie Shi, Wenhu Wu, and Ditang Fang. 鈥淎 Real-World Speech Recognition System Based on CDCPMs,鈥?Int鈥檒 Conf. On Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (ICCPOL鈥?7), 1:204-207, Apr. 2, 97, Hong Kong
  8. Mingxing Xu, Fang Zheng, and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淩ejection methods for speech recognition based on CDCPMs,鈥?Chinese Congress on Neurocomputing Science (CCNS'97), Vol. 2, 677-680, Oct. 25-28, 1997, Nanjing, P.R. China (in Chinese)
  9. Mingxing Xu, Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu. 鈥淩ejection in Speech Recognition Based on CDCPMs,鈥?鈥?7 Int鈥檒 Conf. Research on Computational Linguistics, 412-419, Aug. 22-24, 1997, Taiwan
  10. Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu and Ditang Fang. 鈥淩esearch on speech recognition models in the Chinese dictation machine,鈥?J. of Tsinghua University, 37(9): 37-40 1997 (EI) (in Chinese)
  11. Haixin Chai, Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu, Ditang Fang. 鈥淎 Real-World Large Vocabulary Speaker-Independent Speech Recognition System,鈥?The First China-Japan Workshop on Spoken Language Processing (CJSLP鈥?7), 224-228, Mar. 1997, Huangshan, P.R.China


  1. Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu and Ditang Fang. 鈥淐DCPM with its applications to speech recognition,鈥?J. of Software, 863 Special Issue, 7:69-75, Oct. 1996 (in Chinese)
  2. Fang Zheng, Qixiu Hu, Xiang Deng, Wenhu Wu and Ditang Fang. 鈥淎n introduction to a kind of voice diallers for dummies,鈥?4th National Conf. on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC鈥?6), pp. 165-168, Oct. 1996, Beijing (in Chinese)
  3. Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu and Ditang Fang. 鈥淎n overview on keyword spotting in unconstrained continuous speech,鈥?4th National Conf. on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC鈥?6), pp.13-21, Oct. 1996, Beijing (in Chinese)
  4. Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu and Ditang Fang. 鈥淪peech recognition units in the Chinese dictation machines,鈥?4th National Conf. On Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC鈥?6), pp.32-35, Oct. 1996, Beijing (2nd Prize of "Excellent Papers" from NCMMSC鈥?6) (in Chinese)
  5. Fang Zheng. 鈥淎lgorithm and structure features of digital signal processors,鈥?Electronic Design China, Vol. 9, 1996, pp.111&32 (in Chinese)


  1. Fang Zheng, Hongbo Yang, Wenhu Wu and Ditang Fang. 鈥淐ontinuous distance density segmental probabilistic models,鈥?3rd National Conf. On Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC鈥?4), pp.238-241, Oct. 1994, Chongqing (in Chinese)


  1. Fang Zheng and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淩esearch on automatic syllable detection in Chinese continuous speech recognition,鈥?4th National Conf. on Chinese Character and Chinese Speech Recognition, pp.285-289, May 1992, Hangzhou (in Chinese)
  2. Fang Zheng, Wenhu Wu and Ditang Fang. 鈥淎pproaches to and a system for speaker independent Chinese continuous digit speech recognition,鈥?2nd National Conf. on Man-Machine Speech Communications (NCMMSC鈥?2), pp.160-165, Sept., 1992, Guilin (in Chinese)
  3. Jianmin Li, Tongqing Zhao, Fang Zheng, Ditang Fang and Wenhu Wu. 鈥淎pproaches to large-vocabulary speech recognition based on Chinese speech characteristics,鈥?Chinese J. of Computers, pp.364-370, Vol. 5, 1992 (in Chinese)#*
  4. Fang Zheng. 鈥淭he Keyboard Buffer Direct Accessing Routine,鈥?China CompterWorld, p.87, Jan. 8, 1992 (in Chinese)


  1. Fang Zheng. 鈥淯sing C Arrays in PASCAL Manner,鈥?China CompterWorld, p.55, Aug. 14, 1991 (in Chinese)