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Journal papers (SCI)

  1. Yunqi Cai, Lantian Li, Andrew Abel, Xiaoyan Zhu, Dong Wang, "Deep Normalization for Speaker Vectors", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2020. pdf
  2. Dong Wang, "A Simulation Study on Optimal Scores for Speaker Recognition", EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2020. pdf
  3. Analysis of phonemes and tones confusion rules obtained by ASR,Wireless Networks,
  4. Zhiyuan Tang, Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Ravichander Vipperla, "Collaborative Joint Training With Multitask Recurrent Model for Speech and Speaker Recognition", IEEE TASLP 2018, vol 25, no.3. online
  5. Zhiyuan Tang,Dong Wang,Yixiang Chen,Lantian Li,Andrew Abel, "Phonetic Temporal Neural Model for Language Identification", IEEE TASLP 2017. online

Journal papers (EI)

  1. Siamese Attention-based LSTM for Speech Emotion Recognition,IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, v E103A, n 7, p 937-941, July 1, 2020 link
  2. Uyghur short-text classification based on reliable sub-word morphology, International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems,v 11, n 3, p 250-255, 2019 link
  3. A Robust Morpheme Sequence and Convolutional Neural Network-Based Uyghur and Kazakh Short Text Classification, Information (Switzerland), v 10, n 12, December 1, 2019 pdf

Conference papers (EI)

  1. Ying Shi, Haolin Chen, Zhiyuan Tang, Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Jiqing Han, Can We Trust Deep Speech Prior?, SLT 2021pdf pdf
  2. Zheng Li, Miao Zhao, Qingyang Hong, Lin Li, Zhiyuan Tang, Dong Wang, Liming Song, Cheng Yang, "AP20-OLR Challenge: Three Tasks and TheirBaselines", APSIPA 2020. pdf
  3. Jiawen Kang,Ruiqi Liu,Lantian Li,Yunqi Cai,Dong Wang,Thomas Fang Zheng, "Domain-Invariant Speaker Vector Projection by Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning", Interspeech 2020. pdf
  4. Sitong Cheng,Zhixin Liu,Lantian Li,Zhiyuan Tang,Dong Wang,Thomas Fang Zheng, "ASR-Free Pronunciation Assessment", Interspeech 2020. pdf
  5. Lantian Li,Dong Wang,Thomas Fang Zheng, "Neural Discriminant Analysis for Deep Speaker Embedding", Interspeech 2020. pdf
  6. Yongmin Li, Guanyu Lia, Pengqi Lia, Sixuan Lia, Xinyu Yuan, ”A Survey of Multimodal Fusion for Identity Verification”, International Symposium on Electronic Information Technology and Communication Engineering(ISEITCE), 2020 pdf
  7. Yue Fan, Jiawen Kang, Lantian Li, Kaicheng Li, Haolin Chen, Sitong Cheng, Pengyuan Zhang, Ziya Zhou, Yunqi Cai, Dong Wang, "CN-CELEB: A Challenging Chinese Speaker Recognition Dataset", ICASSP 2020. pdf
  8. Wupeng Wang, Chao Xing, Dong Wang, Xiao Chen, Fengyu Sun, "A ROBUST AUDIO-VISUAL SPEECH ENHANCEMENT MODEL", ICASSP 2020, pdf
  9. Yang Zhang and Lantian Li and Dong Wang, "VAE-based regularization for deep speaker embedding", Interspeech 2019 pdf
  10. Lantian Li,Zhiyuan Tang,Ying Shi,Dong Wang, "Gaussian-Constrained Training for Speaker Verification", ICASSP 2019pdf
  11. Sardar Parhat, Gao Ting, Mijit Ablimit, Askar Hamdulla, A morpheme sequence and convolutional neural network based Kazakh text classification,2019 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA ASC 2019, p 1903-1906, November 2019 [1]
  12. Arkin G, Alijan G, Hamdulla A, A Comparative Analysis of Acoustic Characteristics between Kazak Uyghur Mandarin Learners and Standard Mandarin Speakers,Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, IALP 2019, p 474-479, November 2019 link
  13. Statistical Analysis of Syllable Duration of Uyghur Language,Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, IALP 2019, p 468-473, November 2019 [2]
  14. Lantian Li,Zhiyuan Tang,Ying Shi,Dong Wang, "Phonetic-Attention Scoring for Deep Speaker Features in Speaker Verification", APSIPA 2019 pdf
  15. Lantian Li*,Xueyi Wang*,Dong Wang, "VAE-based Domain Adaptation for Speaker Verification", APSIPA 2019. pdf
  16. Jiayao Wu, Zhiyuan Tang and Dong Wang, "Structure Growth for Small-Footprint Speech Recognition", APSIPA 2019. pdf
  17. Zhiyuan Tang, Dong Wang, Liming Song, "AP19-OLR Challenge: Three Tasks and Their Baselines", APSIPA 2019. pdf
  18. Yunqi Cai, Dong Wang, "Question Mark Prediction By Bert", APSIPA 2019 pdf
  19. Guanyu Li, Lisai Luo, Chunwei Gong, Shiliang Lv, “End-to-end Tibetan Speech Synthesis Based on Phones and Semi-syllables”, Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference(APSIPA) 2019 pdf
  20. Duo Ma, Guanyu Li, Haihua Xu, Eng Siong Chng, “Improving code-switching speech recognition with data augmentation and system combination”, Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference(APSIPA) 2019 [3]
  21. Jiyuan Zhang,Dong Wang, "Chinese Poetry Generation with Flexible Styles", ISCSLP 2018pdf.
  22. Jiyuan Zhang,Zheling Zhang,Shiyue Zhang, Dong Wang,"VV-COUPLET: AN OPEN SOURCE CHINESE COUPLET GENERATION SYSTEM", APSIPA 2018. pdf
  23. Zhiyuan Tang,Dong Wang,Qing Chen, "AP18-OLR CHALLENGE: THREE TASKS AND THEIR BASELINES",APSIPA 2018.pdf
  24. Ying Shi,Zhiyuan Tang, Lantian Li,Zheling Zhang,Dong Wang, "MAP AND RELABEL: TOWARDS ALMOST-ZERO RESOURCE SPEECH RECOGNITION",APSIPA 2018.pdf
  25. Miao Zhang, Xiaofei Kang, Yanqing Wang, Lantian Li, Zhiyuan Tang, Haisheng Dai, Dong Wang*, HUMAN AND MACHINE SPEAKER RECOGNITION BASED ON SHORT TRIVIAL EVENT, ICASSP 2018 arXiv
  26. Jinghao Yan, Hongzhi Yu, Guanyu Li,"Tibetan acoustic model research based on TDNN", APSIPA ASC 2018 pdf
  27. Yultuz Rapkat; Gulnur Arkin; Mijit Ablimit; Askar Hamdulla, Acoustic Features of Mandarin Diphthongs by Uyghur Learners at Primary Level,2018 Oriental COCOSDA - International Conference on Speech Database and Assessments, ICSDA 2018 - Proceedings, p 60-66, July 2, 2018, link
  28. Mijit Ablimit*, Sardar Parhat*, Askar Hamdulla*, Thomas Fang Zheng, Multilingual Stemming and Term extraction for Uyghur, Kazak and Kirghiz,2018 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA ASC 2018 - Proceedings, p 587-590, July 2, 2018 pdf
  29. Lisai Luo, Guanyu Li1, Chunwei Gong, Hailan Ding, “End-to-end Speech Synthesis for Tibetan Lhasa Dialect”, International Symposium on Power Electronics and Control Engineering (ISPECE), 2018 pdf
  30. Ning Yang, Guanyu Li, Hailan Ding, Chunwei Gong, Study on Tibetan Word Vector based on Word2vec, International Symposium on Power Electronics and Control Engineering (ISPECE), 2018 pdf
  31. Lantian Li, Zhiyuan Tang, Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, FULL-INFO TRAINING FOR DEEP SPEAKER FEATURE LEARNING, ICASSP 2018.arXiv
  32. Lantian Li, Dong Wang*, Yixiang Chen, Ying Shing, Zhiyuan Tang, Thomas Fang Zheng, DEEP FACTORIZATION FOR SPEECH SIGNAL, ICASSP 2018 arXiv
  33. Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, Zhiyuan Tang, Ying Shi, Lantian Li, Shiyue Zhang Hongzhi Yu, Guanyu Li, Shipeng Xu, Askar Hummdulla, Mijit Ablimit, Gulnigar Mahmut, M2ASR: AMBITIONS AND FIRST YEAR PROGRESS, O-COCOSDA 2017. pdf
  34. Yang Feng, Shiyue Zhang, Andy Zhang, Dong Wang and Andrew Abel, Memory-augmented Neural Machine Translation, EMNLP 2017 pdf
  35. Lantian Li, Yixiang Chen, Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, A Study on Replay Attack and Anti-Spoofing for Automatic Speaker Verification, Interspeech 2017 [4]
  36. Lantian Li, Yixiang Chen, Ying Shi, Zhiyuan Tang, Dong Wang, "Deep Speaker Feature Learning for Text-independent Speaker Verification", Interspeech 2017[5]
  37. Jiyuan Zhang, Yang Feng, Dong Wang, Yang Wang, Andrw Abel, Shiyue Zhang, Andi Zhangi, "Flexible and Creative Chinese Poetry Generation Using Neural Memory", ACL 2017 link
  38. Zhiyuan Tang, Ying Shi, Dong Wang, Yang Feng, and Shiyue Zhang, "Memory Visualization for Gated Recurrent Neural Networks in Speech Recognition", ICASSP
  39. Zhiyuan Tang, Dong Wang, Yixiang Chen, Qing Chen, AP17-OLR Challenge: Data, Plan, and Baseline, APSIPA 2017, link: arXiv
  40. Shiyue Zhang, Gulnigar Mahmut, Dong Wang, Askar Hamdulla, Memory-augmented Chinese-Uyghur Neural Machine Translation, APSIPA 2017, link: arXiv
  41. Shipeng Xu , Hongzhi Yu, Thomas Fang Zheng and Jinghao Yan, Language Resource Construction for Mongolian, APSIPA 2017, pdf
  42. Guanyu Li, Hongzhi Yu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Jinghao Yan, Free Linguistic and Speech Resources for Tibetan, APSIPA 2017, link: pdf
  43. Ying Shi, Askar Hamdulla, Zhiyuan Tang, Dong Wang, Thomas Fang Zheng, A Free Kazak Speech Database and a Speech Recognition Baseline, APSIPA 2017, link: pdf
  44. Mijit Ablimit, Sardar Parhat, Askar Hamdulla, Thomas Fang Zheng , A Multilingual Language Processing Tool for Uyghur, Kazak and Kirghiz, APSIPA 2017, link: pdf
  45. Aodong Li, Shiyue Zhangy, Dong Wangz and Thomas Fang Zheng, Enhanced Neural Machine Translation by Learning from Draft, APSIPA 2017, link: pdf
  46. Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Askar Rozi, Thomas Fang Zheng, Cross-lingual Speaker Verification with Deep Feature Learning, APSIPA 2017, link: arXiv
  47. Dong Wang, Lantian Li, Zhiyuan Tang, Thomas Fang Zheng, Deep Speaker Verification: Do We Need End to End?, APSIPA 2017, link: arXiv
  48. Miao Zhang, Yixiang Chen, Lantian Li and Dong Wang, Speaker Recognition with Cough, Laugh and “Wei”, APSIPA 2017, link: arXiv
  49. Rehmutulla Memet; Mewlude Nijat; Gulnigar Mahmut; Askar Hamdulla, A rule and statistical modeling based stem extraction method for Kazakh words,Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, IALP 2017, v 2018-January, p 231-234, July 2, 2017 link
  50. Shipeng Xu, Hongzhi Yu, Thomas Fang Zheng, Guanyu Li, Gegeentana. “Language Resource Construction for Mongolian”, Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference(APSIPA), 2017 [6]

Other papers

  1. 沙尔旦尔·帕尔哈提,米吉提·阿不里米提,艾斯卡尔·艾木都拉. 基于稳健词素序列和LSTM的维吾尔语短文本分类[J]. 中文信息学报,2020,34(01):63-70. pdf
  2. 沙尔旦尔·帕尔哈提,米吉提·阿不里米提,艾斯卡尔·艾木都拉. 词干单元和卷积神经网络的哈萨克短文本分类[J]. 小型微型计算机系统,2020,41(08):1627-1633. [7]