“第三章 人类智能的产生”版本间的差异

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* Derek Bickerton, More than Nature Needs: Language, Mind, and Evolution (超越自然的需求-语言,思维和进化) [https://www.amazon.com/More-than-Nature-Needs-Evolution/dp/0674724909]
* Derek Bickerton, More than Nature Needs: Language, Mind, and Evolution (超越自然的需求-语言,思维和进化) [https://www.amazon.com/More-than-Nature-Needs-Evolution/dp/0674724909]
* Michael Tomasello, A Natural History of Human Thinking (人类思维的自然史) [https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674724778]
* Michael Tomasello, A Natural History of Human Thinking (人类思维的自然史) [https://www.amazon.com/Natural-History-Human-Thinking/dp/0674986830]
* Liu C, Tang Y, Ge H, et al. Increasing breadth of the frontal lobe but decreasing height of the human brain between two Chinese samples from a Neolithic site and from living humans[J]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2014, 154(1): 94-103. [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ajpa.22476]
* Liu C, Tang Y, Ge H, et al. Increasing breadth of the frontal lobe but decreasing height of the human brain between two Chinese samples from a Neolithic site and from living humans[J]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2014, 154(1): 94-103. [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ajpa.22476]
* Florio M, Albert M, Taverna E, Namba T, Brandl H, Lewitus E, et al. (March 2015). "Human-specific gene ARHGAP11B promotes basal progenitor amplification and neocortex expansion". Science. New York, N.Y. 347 (6229) [https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aaa1975]
* Florio M, Albert M, Taverna E, Namba T, Brandl H, Lewitus E, et al. (March 2015). "Human-specific gene ARHGAP11B promotes basal progenitor amplification and neocortex expansion". Science. New York, N.Y. 347 (6229) [https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aaa1975]

2023年8月8日 (二) 07:06的最后版本



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  • Derek Bickerton, More than Nature Needs: Language, Mind, and Evolution (超越自然的需求-语言,思维和进化) [14]
  • Michael Tomasello, A Natural History of Human Thinking (人类思维的自然史) [15]
  • Liu C, Tang Y, Ge H, et al. Increasing breadth of the frontal lobe but decreasing height of the human brain between two Chinese samples from a Neolithic site and from living humans[J]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2014, 154(1): 94-103. [16]
  • Florio M, Albert M, Taverna E, Namba T, Brandl H, Lewitus E, et al. (March 2015). "Human-specific gene ARHGAP11B promotes basal progenitor amplification and neocortex expansion". Science. New York, N.Y. 347 (6229) [17]