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ASR Kernel development

[ASR group weekly report]

Patent & paper

  • Zhaofang: handle the patent regarding spoken dialog system


  • Xuechen: held


  • Child voice
  • Xuechen: recorded another 300 baby girl utterances. Totally 700 utterances available
  • Xuechen: labeling the utterances. 700 utterances done.

Dialog system

  • Zhaofang: IDF trained on China daily news. The similar performance was achieved. TF/IDF is worse than IDF.
  • Zhaofang: A bug fixed. 1048/2077 pattern matched. 479 within the 1029 mismatches get the same answer. 71%.
  • Zhaofang: Tag IDF does not work
  • Zhaofang: Add the words with in tags into the segmentation lexicon. Testing on going.

System design

  • Fangxing: Weichat public service, almost done. Submit for testing this week.