130916-Zhiyong Zhang

来自cslt Wiki
2013年9月16日 (一) 07:07Zhangzy讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Weekly Report:

   1. Finished 23/30/40 fbanks DNN CMVN/noCMVN trainging and decoding.
   2. Finished fbank_40 LDA:200/300/400 CMVN training and decoding.
   3. Finished 100hs' clean speech DNN model sparse DNN training and test.

Target of next week:

   1. To finish the 100hs' sparse DNN test based on 15db white noise dataset.
   2. To continue the training of 1000hs' fbank_40 LDA_200 DNN training.
   3. To communicate with the professional patent writers to finish patent writing.