来自cslt Wiki
Data sharing
- LM count files still undelivered!
DNN progress
- Sparse DNN.
1. With Atlas without any change, on the ARM platform, obtained RT 2.0. Will change the Atlas code to support sparse matrices.
Tencent exps
GPU & CPU merge
- Hold
RNN LM progress
- Use 100M text, 10k lexicon in training. Validation test set is obtained from the transcription of the Tencent online1 speech data.
- 100 hidden layer, 1 hidden layer, 3-gram
- training time: 7 hour, 8GB
- prediction time: quick, 8GB
- 3-gram PPL: 227.323 WER: 36%
- RNN PPL: 170.056129 WER: 41%
- 3-gram+RNN: PPL: 0.25RNN+0.75 3-gram: 180.0 WER 35%
- possibly a bug when computing PPL with the RNN toolkit.
Embedded progress
- Status:
- 1000 test words + 2000 noise words
before | after utt 952 3317 %wer 6.26% 11.04% RT 0.07 0.20
This means the GMM-based system highly relies on the vocabulary. It may work well with small lexica, but difficult with large ones.
- Run other optimization parameters:
option | RT | %wer
original 0.07 6.28
-ds 0.06 6.33% -topn 0.06 6.80% -maxwpf - - -maxhmmpf - - -kdmaxdepth - - -kdmaxbbi - - -pl_window - -
- To be done
- sparse DNN based Kaldi engine
- sparse DNN based PS engine