第八章 让人惊讶的智能
来自cslt Wiki
- DeepMind AlphaGo博客[1]
- 百度百科:AlphaGo [2]
- AI100问:AI美颜[3]
- AI100问:绘画大师[4]
- AI100问:甜美的导航声音是如何产生的?[5]
- 老人声音报警器[6]
- DAll-E:文字生成图片[7][8]
- ChatGPT介绍[9][10]
- 计算机系孙茂松团队在自然·通讯杂志发表生物医学知识计算研究成果[11]
- 越来越像人:波士顿动力机器人进化史 [12]
- 无人机群体智能[13][14]
- 中国天眼[15]
- AI超分辨率显微镜[16]
- AI100问:人工智能破解蛋白质结构之迷[17]
- AI机器人做实验[18][19]
- 波士顿动力机器人[20][21]
- UC Berkley的科学家用一小时教会机器人站立、抓取等动作[22][23][24]
- CCTV-2 生活早间秀 除了下围棋 机器人还会作诗?[25]
- DALL-E2: [26]
- Cogview 文本生成图片 [27]
- DALL-E 文本生成图片[28]
- Stable-difussion 文本图片生成 [29]
- ProsPainter:文本加绘图生成图片 [30]
- Artbreeder: 文本绘图 [31]
- TextToImage[*] [32]
- Picsart[*] [33]
- ChatGPT[*][34]
- OpenAI Blog, DALL·E: Creating Images from Text, 2021.1 [*](https://openai.com/blog/dall-e/)
- AlphaGo[35]
- AlhpaZero[36]
- FaceBeaty[37]
- Style transfer [38]
- A reivew of speech synthesis [39]
- Cogview [40]
- DALL-E [41][42]
- Collaborative robots from Google [43]
- Deep learning for Muller mimickery [44]
- AlphaFold [45]
- Robot make experiment[46]
- Zeng Z, Yao Y, Liu Z, et al. A deep-learning system bridging molecule structure and biomedical text with comprehension comparable to human professionals. Nature communications, 2022, 13(1): 1-11.[47]
- Levine S, Pastor P, Krizhevsky A, et al. Learning hand-eye coordination for robotic grasping with deep learning and large-scale data collection. The International journal of robotics research, 2018, 37(4-5): 421-436.[48]
- Qiao C, Li D, Liu Y, et al. Rationalized deep learning super-resolution microscopy for sustained live imaging of rapid subcellular processes. Nature biotechnology, 2022: 1-11.[49]