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2019年5月10日 (五) 06:30Zhouziya讨论 | 贡献的版本

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People This Week Next Week Task Tracking (DeadLine)
Yibo Liu
Xiuqi Jiang
  • Merge code with Yibo and clean up current Vivi
  • Polish up baselines and add extra regularizations to seq2seq loss
Jiayao Wu
  • made a summary of formal experiment
  • prepare for the weekly report
  • make a further try of Adaboost on ASR on chain model(to get rid of the influence of priors,no priors in chain model)
  • try more experiments on Adaboost ASR
  • modify the speech book
Zhaodi Qi
  • Summarized the previous experiments and explored new methods.
  • Complete the experiment of Mult-scale information and Modify the speech book
Jiawei Yu
  • Continue phonetic attention experiment and write the experiment report.
  • ...
Wenwei Dong
  • use frame fbank feature to train infogan, draw t-sne
  • use gmm to learn the distribution of different dataset
Xueyi Wang
Ziya Zhou
  • Read the tutorial on ASR
  • Revise the speech book
  • Get familiar with a simple ASR task
kaicheng li
Haolin Chen