FreeNeb Status Report 2017-12-04

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2017年12月4日 (一) 01:57Zhangzy讨论 | 贡献的版本

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This Week:

People Last Week This Week Next Week Task Tracing(DeadLine)
Mengyuan Zhao
  • Engineering
  1. TTS_online app
  • Engineering
  1. Continue work on TTS-py-server.
Zhiyong Zhang
  • Finished multi-speaker TTS/mono-speaker multi-emotion TTS.
  • Some problems on multi-speaker multi-emotion TTS, need more investigation.
  • To train duration-model using 16k data.
Yang Wei
  • Finish testing FreeNeb embeded ASR engine
  • Test FreeNeb TTS engine.
Dong Wang
  • OC2017

Zhenlong Han
  • Finish training TDNN with different splice and cnn-tdnn model, and give conclusion to xiaohe.
  • Finish Uyghur model training.
  • English data prepare done.
  • English embedded model training.
  • Fill in document.
Shuai Zhang
  • Modify the VVParrot project.
  • Complete the VVParrot project.
  • Complete the Megrez project.
  • Add the documents about the two project.

Yanchi Jin
  • Complete the megrez_test and already deploied on the server.
  • Start to use the megrez_tool complete same simple structure chart.
  • Complete the interface of megrez_test and the chart of structure.