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2017年8月2日 (三) 02:58Zhangshuai讨论 | 贡献的版本

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This article is about the project of QA

  1. Survey methods on recent QA solutions and give a report. download
  2. Make a plan about the future work.
  3. Give a schedule about next work.

Research Report

At first, we survey some recent ways about QA.

The second, we get some open sources.

At the last, according to the requirements, we make a future plan.

Future Work

The whole project will be spilted to three parts and finish them step by step.

  1. The first step, we will finish the core function which includes the system's main states translating and answer about the general questions.
  2. The second step, we plan to improve the system and make it more smartly. For example, the system could chat with customers and answer some questions such as roads line, weather ,and so on.
  3. At the last, the system may guess some answer from the conversation.


We plan to spend about two weeks to give a simple demo.

People Works
  • Analysis the open source and compare them, make a decision to choose one
  • Give a demo which can do some simple work
  • Use the Scrapy-Framework to get some data