NLP Status Report 2017-5-15

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2017年5月15日 (一) 01:38Zhangsy讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Date People Last Week This Week
2017/4/5 Jiyuan Zhang
Aodong LI
Shiyue Zhang
  • got result of M-NMT 28.92 ( +2.2, baseline=26.73)
  • trained word2vec on big zh,uy data
  • tested NMT baseline when there is UNK in ref, bleu=34.10 (better than MOSES=33.10), which means UNK is the biggest problem in NMT
  • found a problem in dataset, some sentences are reversed
  • test embedding untrained model
  • fix reversed sentences problem and rerun on MOSES, NMT, M-NMT
  • implement UNK model
Shipan Ren