Data allowed to use
The MixASR-CHEN 17 allows the following data resources to be used:
- Training data: OC16-CE80 training/dev set + THCHS30
- Development data: OC16-CE80 test set
- Test data: OC17-CE10 test set
- Lexicon: THCHS30 Chinese lexicon + CMU English lexicon
- Additional word list: An additional English word list OC17-EnWord that covers most of the English OOVs in the test set. However, no phone transcriptions are available.
- LM: THCHS30 LM can be used, but all the transcriptions of OC16-CE80 training/dev/test and THCHS30 can be used to improve the basic LM.
OC16-CE80 is a speech database provided by SpeechOcean (http://www.speechocean.com) for this challenge. The main features involve:
- 1400+ speakers
- Mobile channel
- 80 hours of speech signals
- Transcriptions are provided
- The licence file is here
- Data profile is here
OC17-CE10 is a speech database provided by SpeechOcean (http://www.speechocean.com) for this challenge. The main features involve:
- 100+ speakers
- Mobile channel
- 10 hours of speech signals
- Transcriptions are provided
- The licence file is here
THCHS30 is a Chinese speech database provided by CSLT@Tsinghua University. All the resources of THCHS30 can be used to improve the system, especially the lexicon and LM. The data is available at:
CMU English dictionary
To recognize English words, CMU English dictionary 0.7b is allowed to be used.
OC17-EnWord list
OC17-EnWord is a word list that covers most of the OOV words in the OC17-EN10 test set. This can be used to enhance your system. However, no pronunciations for these words are available. You may want to use some grapheme to phoneme (g2p) tools.