
来自cslt Wiki
2017年1月16日 (一) 02:04Wangyang讨论 | 贡献的版本

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FactorDB v4.47 Mysql is the mysql data format version of the

database by Yang Wang when he worked in CSLT@Tsinghua University

as a master student, from 2016-2019.

This database was originally from The

main part of v4.47 is stock price as well as some additional

accounting information for all equities in China Shanghai &

Shengzheng second-level market (A market). This version was

released in 2017.01.04.

The total data amount is from the starting of China A market

to 2016.12. All the data are in the original form (RAW data),

without any pre-processing.

Data Sets

Refer to the doc "Wind资讯量化研究数据库V4.47.pdf", the present database involves 9 data sets, listed as follows:

1. 4.33 中国 A 股日行情估值指标-ASHAREEODDERIVATIVEINDICATOR 2. 4.36 中国 A 股融资融券交易明细-ASHAREMARGINTRADE 3. 4.37 中国 A 股融资融券交易汇总-ASHAREMARGINTRADESUM 4. 4.45 中国 A 股资金流向数据-ASHAREMONEYFLOW 5. 4.47 中国 A 股LEVEL2指标-ASHAREL2INDICATORS 6. 4.51 中国 A 股资产负债表-ASHAREBALANCESHEET 7. 4.52 中国 A 股利润表-ASHAREINCOME 8. 4.53 中国 A 股现金流量表-ASHARECASHFLOW 9. 4.54 中国 A 股财务指标-ASHAREFINANCIALINDICATOR


All the copy right are reserved by Wind. Any usage of this dataset should refer to Wind's licence files.


Yang Wang:

Dong Wang:

