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This Week
Yanqing Wang
- fighting with building GUI interface of one-class-SVM in Visual Studio but not finished yet
- configure LibSVM toolkit in Visual Studio
- implemente the basic functions of LibSVM in Visual Studio
- learn to create Qt project using Visual Studio and Qt Creator
- finish building GUI interface of one-class-SVM in Visual Studio
- make the GUI interface display dynamically with the change of given data
Hang Luo
Ying Shi
- some work about kazak speech recognition
- cnn visualization
- paper reading
Yixiang Chen
- Continue replay detection (Freq-Weighting and Mel-Weighting).
- Pooling replay data for UBM training
- Continue replay detection (Change data set and Warping)
Lantian Li
- LRE on AP16-OL7. [1]
- 'StatisticsComponent'
- The effect of Vad / Padding.
- Replay detection.
- performance-driven based Freq-Weighting
- LRE task.
- Freq-Warping and CNN-training.
Zhiyuan Tang
- A speech named 'Deep Learning in Speech Recognition' in Chengdu;
- Decoding with language mask seems helpless, not concluded.
- use language mask in a proper way.
- prepare materials for paper accepted by TASLP.
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This Week
Hang Luo
- Explore the language recognition models including:
- Evaluate the model in the aspect of sentence and frame, find the accuracy is very high.
- Minimize the language model, train it single and joint with speech model, evaluate its result.
- Continue doing the basic explore of joint training.
- Read paper about multi-language recognition models and others.
Ying Shi
- fighting with kazak speech recognition system:because the huge size of HCLG.fst the decoding job always make the sever done.
There are several method I have tried
- change the size or word list and corpus this method not worked very well
- prune the LM .And the parameter been used to prune the LM is 2e-7 the size of LM reduce from 290M to 60M but the result about wer is very poor
- I have upload some result about several experiment to CVSS[2]
- there are too much private affairs about myself so the job about visualization last week has been delayed I will try my best to finish it the week
Yixiang Chen
- Learn MFCC extraction mechanism.
- Read kaldi computer-feature code and find how to change MFCC.
- Frequency-weighting based feature extraction.
- Continue replay detection (Freq-Weighting and Freq-Warping).
Lantian Li
- Joint-training on SRE and LRE (LRE task). [3]
- Tdnn is better than LSTM.
- LRE is a long-term task.
- Briefly overview Interspeech SRE-related papers.
- CSLT-Replay detection.
- Baseline done (Freq / Mel domain).
- performance-driven based Freq-Weighting and Freq-Warping --> Yixiang.
- LRE task.
- Replay detection.
Zhiyuan Tang
- report for Weekly Reading (a brief review of interspeech16), just prepared;
- language scores as decoding mask (1.multiply probability, very bad; 2.add log-softmax, a little bad)
- training with mask failed
- training with shared layers;
- explore single tasks.