ASR Status Report 2016-09-19

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2016年9月22日 (四) 06:23Shiying讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Date People Last Week This Week

2016.09.05 Zhiyuan Tang
  • LSTM cell analysis[1]
  • analysis of gates, layers, temporal property
Jingyi Lin
  • Write book
  • Continue with the book writing
Ying Shi
  • nn visualization about gate and some special unit of cell
  • continue my research
Lantian Li
  • Deep speaker embedding ( Random sample training RST ) [2].
  • Local training [3].
  • Joint training on SRE and LRE [4].
  • Continue these tasks.
2016.09.12 Zhiyuan Tang
  • memory analysis of gated recurrent units (memory term, memory residual), outline for icassp 2017
  • paper for icassp 2017
Jingyi Lin



Ying Shi
  • summarize past work for icassp17 and continue the past work(cell analyze)
  • some work for icassp17
Lantian Li
  • Deep speaker embedding ( Random sample training RST ) [5].
  • Local training [6].
  • Joint training on SRE and LRE [7].
  • Paper for ICASSP 2017.
2016.09.19 Zhiyuan Tang
  • paper for icassp17
  • technical report for icassp17 (visualization analysis for recurrent networks)
  • interspeech16 paper reading
Jingyi Lin



Ying Shi
  • work for icassp 17
  • summarize the past work and continue my research
Lantian Li
  • Deep speaker embedding ( Random sample training RST ) [8].
  • Local training [9].
  • Joint training on SRE and LRE [10].
  • Paper for ICASSP 2017.