ASR Status Report 2016-08-29

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2016年8月29日 (一) 02:44Shiying讨论 | 贡献的版本

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People Last Week This Week
Zhiyuan Tang
  • Test RNN residual learning along time, mostly trivial, hold on.
  • LSTM 'C' component visualization[1].
  • LSTM visualization, more components, more layers.
Hang Luo
  • Write book and finish the first version.
  • Modify the book.
Jingyi Lin
  • Write book
  1. Finish the whole part of "direct graphic model" and half part of the "undirect ghraphic model".
  • Continue with the book writing
Ying Shi
  • nn visualization
  1. some work on wsj (the length of the memory ,gender)[here]
  • Continue research on lstm_c