Tianyi Luo 2016-05-09
来自cslt Wiki
Plan to do this week
- To implement tensorflow version of RNN/LSTM Max margin vector training.
- To implement attention chatting model with xiaobing corpus.
Work done in this week
- The Holiday of Labors Day.
- Finish the preprocessing of Xiaobing corpus.
- Implement part of code about the qqa (Current sample is q1; Positive sample is a1; Negtive sample is q2.) max-margin theano version.
- Finish implementing code about the qqa (Current sample is q1; Positive sample is a1; Negtive sample is q2.) max-margin theano version.
- Wait for the results of experiments.
- Ready for going to Silicon Valley.
- Arrived in Silicon Valley.
Plan to do next week
- To implement tensorflow version of RNN/LSTM Max margin vector training.
- To implement attention chatting model with xiaobing corpus.
Interested papers
- Cascading Bandits: Learning to Rank in the Cascade Model(ICML 2015) [pdf]