How to submit the latex files including Chinese characters to arxiv

来自cslt Wiki
2016年4月21日 (四) 12:17Lty讨论 | 贡献的版本

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1. Convert the encoding format of the .tex,.sty and .bbl file to "UTF-8".

2. Import the package "CJKutf8" in order to the pdf file can display Chinise characters. (Add the line "\usepackage{CJKutf8}" to the .tex file)

3. Enter the Chinese characters between \begin{CJK*}{UTF8}{gbsn} and \end{CJK*}. The examples are as following:








4. You will see the Chinese chacracters displaying in the pdf file after compiling.

P.S. Song and kai(Some common used Chinese fonts) are not able to be recognized. So you can use gbsn(a Chinese font which can be recognized in the arxiv).