Lantian Li 2016-01-11

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2016年1月11日 (一) 14:47Lilt讨论 | 贡献的版本

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  • Weekly Report

In this week, lots of miscellaneous things have effect the research progress [1-4 is out of the research plan].

  • Help Prof.Zheng complete and submit the 'replay detection' patent;
  • Prepare the 973 project report, and attend the meeting in Tianjin.
  • Help Wang Gang on the DNN-based truncated speech detection.
  • Help Prof.Zheng check and submit the two overview paper.
  • For the max-margin metric learning task, make some additional experiments.(~)
And I find that there is something wrong on the the NIST-SRE05 label (wav.scp, spk2utt, utt2spk),
and the SRE05 has been re-labelled.
  • To Do next week
  • Go on working on the max-margin metric learning, including the dnn-based training.
  • Considering how to do the deep speaker embedding. In emergency !