Dongxu Zhang 2015-08-31

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2015年9月1日 (二) 02:46Zhangdx讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Work done in this week

  • review papers on bayesian graph, document classification.
  • find out some interesting directions.
 (1)A more bayesian prior distribution over neural networks, that we can give constraint on a hidden layer so that the hidden
    layers follows a guassian distribution with a more reasonable mean value, which may be a direction of AAAI. 
 (2)sequential label learning, which can be a further work with Chaoyuan.
 (3)Try a new topic model,which is similar to cbow with large window size, the code is done, still need to speed up.
 (4)unbalanced autoencoder, haven't considered in details. 
  • Discuss ideas with Tianyi on RS and finally decide a direction, which is a deep UV structure with content knowledge.
  • help Chaoyuan do the baseline reproduction.

Plan to do next week

  • Compare the performance with and without topic distribution constraint. Try adding constraint on different layers.