Chao Xing 15-06-02

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2015年6月2日 (二) 19:55Xingchao讨论 | 贡献的版本

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1. Do oral report in NAACL. 2. Plan to finish my master career.

Plan in EMNLP ==> spherical dropout using frequency balance.

Date 6-3 --> 6-7 1. Testing spherical gamma dropout without frequency balance. 2. Testing frequency balance in word2vec. 3. Finish NIPS work. 4. Finish my master report. Date 6-8 --> 6-10 1. Coding spherical gamma dropout with frequency balance. 2. Spread the parameter threshold which set whole vectors normalized by dimension which l2_norm equals to parameter. 3. After these work, if the result still not satisfy, read papers and find some help. Date 6-11 --> 6-13 1. Write technique report if the result is not satisfy still need report. Date 6-13 --> If result shows fine, set paper to Dr. Wang. Another busy week...