Lantian Li 2015-03-16

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2015年3月16日 (一) 09:14Lilt讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Weekly Summary

1. Explore the generalization of d-vector for text-indedenpent Speaker Recognition.

The experimental results show that: d-vector performs better than i-vector only under cosine distance. While LDA and PLDA do not work for d-vector.

2. Explore the impact of CMNV on the d-vector for Speaker Recognition.

The experimental results show that: global CMVN without speaker CMVN performs the best which meets the expectations.

3. Train a text-content-based (block-mask) neural networks and extract d-vectors from these networks. But results show this method does not work.

Next Week

1. Go on the task1 and task2.