
来自cslt Wiki
2015年3月5日 (四) 02:54Lr讨论 | 贡献的版本

跳转至: 导航搜索

Dialog system


Spell mistake

  • done

improve fuzzy match

  • hold

improve lucene search

  • learning to rank [1]
  • result: 0.688->0.78

Multi-Scene Recognition

  • demo (done)

Online Learning

  • v1 done [2]
  • v2
  • add the query relevancy from user click the recommended list

reverse module

  • v1 demo
  • simple demo is done, solve the Chinese problem.

Frame Work

  • develop the code in different module
  • process
  • search module : lucene search , knowledge graph search => lr
  • Session management module => lr
  • offline learn module => tianyi
  • online learn module =>lr
  • NLP tool
  • Entity recognition and NER =>lr
  • Spell check module
  • word similarity module
  • common module: pass parameters in different module
  • problem to solve
  • define the common inference
  • define the

Knowledge Management and labeling system

  • continue coding.


  • done

leftover problem