Search method

来自cslt Wiki
2015年2月3日 (二) 01:09Lr讨论 | 贡献的版本

跳转至: 导航搜索

learning to rank


MERT-4 Method

lucene method

different method in lucene

boost keyword

boost keyword before search with ITIDF

our method

different result in lucene
method lucene vsm_idf(haiguan) VSM_idf(baidu) vsm_idf(tain) vsm_idf(calculate)
Accary 0.6628 0.6228 0.6197 0.5827 0.5426

synonyms method

  • fuzzy match
  • calculate the similarity value = 1/(5-5*av_value).where av_value = average(word2vec+Synonyms forest+hownet).
  • lucene
  • lucene4.6 already added synonyms method (org.apache.lucene.analysis.synonym[2]) like :(a -> x) (a b -> y) (b c d -> z) or extend the query.


  • 采用最细粒度分词(对于标准问题在建立索引时,模板不用),可以提高正确率。61=>66.对于标准问题建索引时.
  • 对输入的问题不应用细粒度分词(细粒度的59%,不用66%)。
  • lucene4.6 已经增加了同义词拓展[3]

bug fix

  • vsm method
  • doesn't clear the pattern before search