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Integrated System

Stanford NLP: Lingpipe: fudannlp(复旦大学,中文NLP): Python NLTK OpenNLP: GATE BALIE, anguage identification, tokenization, sentence boundary detection, named-entity recognition. Topic Modeling

D. Blei homepage, topic modeling Mallet Gensim,一个python写的topic modeling的开源项目: Academic

Reference extraction: The cb2Bib is a free, open source, and multiplatform application for rapidly extracting unformatted, or unstandardized bibliographic references from email alerts, journal Web pages, and PDF files. Crossref lab,crossref好像是搞学术文章索引的,核心点在于DOI? Anyway,它的lab页面收录了不少好的开源工具,比如可以做PDF文件的抽取等。 Bible Passage Reference Parser: