Xingchao work

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2014年10月2日 (四) 09:05Xingchao讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Paper Recommendation

Pre-Trained Multi-View Word Embedding.[1]

Learning Word Representation Considering Proximity and Ambiguity.[2]

Continuous Distributed Representations of Words as Input of LSTM Network Language Model.[3]

WikiRelate! Computing Semantic Relatedness Using Wikipedia.[4]

Japanese-Spanish Thesaurus Construction Using English as a Pivot[5]

Chaos Work

SSA Model

  Build 2-dimension SSA-Model.
  Start at : 2014-09-30

SEMPRE Research

Work Schedule

  Download SEMPRE toolkit.
  Start at : 2014-09-30

Paper related

  Semantic Parsing via Paraphrasing [6]

Knowledge Vector

  Pre-process corpus.
  Start at : 2014-09-30

Moses translation model

  Pre-process corpus, remove the sentence which contains rarely seen words.
  Start at : 2014-09-30

Non Linear Transform Testing

Work Schedule

  Re-train best mse for test data.
  Start at : 2014-10-01 <-->  End at : 2014-10-02