140623 - Shi Yin

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2014年6月23日 (一) 14:08Yinshi讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Accomplished this week

  • Tested the 4*600+800 model + 150k / 20k / 10k / 5k graph + new 1e-7 with biglm mode.
  • Get the wer & RT respectively.
  • Fixed the error of decoder partly.
  • Finished DNN_VAD testing using various DNN.

Next Week

  • Test the 4*600+800 model + 150k / 20k / 10k / 5k graph + 1e-6.
  • Test the 4*600+800 model + 150k / 20k / 10k / 5k graph + 1e-6.5
  • Find a larger vocab plus a more stringent LM pruning threshold by kind verification.
  • Finish the decoder code about 8-digit recognition.
  • Prepare for the machine learning course.