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2014年6月6日 (五) 07:24Cslt讨论 | 贡献的版本

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ASR Kernel development

[ASR group weekly report]

Patent & paper

  • Paper still under editing


  • Xuechen: held


  • Child voice
    All 1000 recordings done
    STRAIGHT: c++ code done

Dialog system

  • Zhaofang: collect a new test set. Can deliver performance results on the weekend.
  • Zhaofang: NER, TAG, parser tool investigation.
  • Zhaofang: Try the related word list provided by Xingchao.
  • Xingchao: Design network spider
  • Xingchao: Design semantic related word tree
  • First version based on pattern match done
  • Filter with query log
  • Further refinement with Baidu Baike hierarchy
  • Xingchao: investigating the sub-space approach for semantic relation extraction from w2v.

System design

  • Fanxing: investigate the new code. Initial test done.