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2021年6月7日 (一) 05:58Shenjingxin讨论 | 贡献的版本

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People This Week Next Week Task Tracking (DeadLine)
Dong Wang
  • Response for the TASLP and SPCOM papers
  • Inverstigate JPLDA and score factorization
  • Complete the paper response
Yunqi Cai
Lantian Li
  • Republish CN-Celeb v2.0.
  • Release Uyghur DDC ASR.
  • Update SpeCom Response.
  • Finish r-MAML technical proposal.
  • Finish HuaWei cross-device delivery.
  • Complete paper response.
Ying Shi
  • webrtc retrain with all aishell data and test
  • stream decode tuning
  • stream decode result
Haoran Sun
  • speechflow via d-vector
  • change training data to mel by librosa
  • change speed, remove content, add noise encoder
Jiao Han
Yang Zhang
Di Wang
  • Collect and analyze the results of trials evaluation activities.
Tiankai Zhi
  • continue audio to video synchronisation
Chen Chen
  • DAP denoise test (real environment noise)
  • DAP blind source separation test (different speaker) [still running]
  • GAN-prior denoise test (white noise)
  • GAN-prior denoise test
  • DAP blind source separation test (different speaker)
Jingxin Shen
  • The experiment of vggface