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2019年12月30日 (一) 00:09Lilt讨论 | 贡献的版本

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People This Week Next Week Task Tracking (DeadLine)
Dong Wang
  • Investigate more on DNF, by designing the contrastive training. Seems does not work well. More constrained is requested to avoid divergence.
  • Investigate the true contribution of DNF. It looks like between/within ratio has the best match with EER.
  • Investigate DNF-based PLDA, not successful yet. The performance is not better than cosine.
  • Keep on the investigation of DNF contribution.
  • Complete the draft of DNF-based paper to TASLP.
Yunqi Cai
Zhiyuan Tang
Lantian Li
  • DNF-SRE (standard Kaldi IO)
  • Clean up some tools (merge into Jungle)
Ying Shi
Wenqiang Du
Haoran Sun
Yue Fan
Jiawen Kang
Ruiqi Liu
Sitong Cheng
Zhixin Liu