NLP Status Report 2017-3-13

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2017年3月13日 (一) 07:10Zhangjy讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Date People Last Week This Week
2017/1/3 Yang Feng
  • tested and analyzed the results on the cs-en data set (30.4 on the heldout-training set and 7.3 on the dev set);
  • added masks to the baseline (44.4 on the cn-en);
  • added encoder-masks and memory-masks to alpha-gamma method and fixed the bugs. Got an improvement of 0.5 again the masked baseline [report];
  • To avoid doing softmax twice, rewrite the softmax_cross_entropy function myself. (under-training)
  • analyze and improve the alpha-gamma method.
Jiyuan Zhang
  • completed to reproduce planning neural network
  • chose best attention_memory model for huilian and ran big train dataset(about 370k) result
  • Keyword expansion model
  • collect more poem from Internet
  • recruiting
Andi Zhang
Shiyue Zhang
Peilun Xiao