Zhiyuan Tang 2015-12-07

来自cslt Wiki
2015年12月7日 (一) 06:34Tangzy讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Last week:

1. launched experiments on 1400h-Chinese with CTC/nnet3/Kaldi;

2. verified the code for conditioning learning of dnn.

This week:

1. more research about ctc/nnet3;

2. find the reason why language vector doesn't help;

3. something about Memory net.


  • monophone ASR --Zhiyuan
  • MPE
  • CTC/nnet3/Kaldi

conditioning learning

  • language vector into multiple layers --zhiyuan
  • a Chinese paper
  • speech rate into multiple layers --zhiyuan
  • verify the code for extra input(s) into DNN