Optimize the parameter in different data source

来自cslt Wiki
2014年11月21日 (五) 02:39Lr讨论 | 贡献的版本

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boost some specific field in lucene

  • Here is how you can do that[1]
Query titleQuery, viewsQuery;
BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery();
query.add(titleQuery, Occur.MUST); // or Occur.SHOULD if this clause is optional
query.add(viewsQuery, Occur.SHOULD); // or Occur.MUST if this clause is required
// use query to search documents

The score will be proportional to 0.8*score(titleQuery) + 0.2*score(viewsQuery) (to a multiplicative constant). To leverage your views field, you will probably need to use a ValueSourceQuery