来自cslt Wiki
Dialog system
Spell mistake
- using ngram to get candidate sentence.
improve lucene search
- lucene similarity method
method | Default | BM25 | LMDirichlet | DFR | LMJelinekMercer | IB |
Accary | 0.66228 | 0.66228 | 0.4091 | 0.65476 | 0.65476 | 0.6666 |
- our vsm method
- our vsm method re-rank(54%),lucene(67%)
- lucene top50(caoli)
- top10(82.95%),top20(86.34),top50(90.22%)
- need to check the other 10% error
- lucene Optimization(liurong)
- rewrite the method to select the 50 standard question not same template.
- test the boost keyword weight and extract the synonyms word.
- check the word segment for template.
- min-segment method improve the accuracy.
- check the query method for getting lucene information and to rewrite the score method like the idf value.
- test the different idf vale from baidu sougou in fuzzymatch.