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2014年4月4日 (五) 02:38Cslt讨论 | 贡献的版本

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ASR Kernel development

[ASR group weekly report]

Patent & paper

  • Zhaofang: handle the fuzzy matching patent
  • Zhaofang: spoken dialog paper almost done
  • Zhaofang,Xiaosi: the third patent delivered


  • Xuechen: held


  • Child voice
  • Xueche: recorded 100 baby girl utterances
  • Xueche: training the girl model

Dialog system

  • Zhaofang: TF/IDF bug found, fixing it
  • Zhaofang: Optimizing IDF weights
  • ```Zhiaofang: machine-initialized response```

System design

  • Yongtao: running test: 2000 testing, 1380 correction.
  • Yongtao: integrate the system into weichat
  • Yongtao: delivered another proto system for testing
  • Yongtao: knowledge base purging and some bug fixing
  • Wanglin: labeling finance document. segment the document into sentences and design queries for documents.