来自cslt Wiki
AM development
Sparse DNN
- Optimal Brain Damage(OBD).
- Online OBD held.
- OBD + L1 norm start to investigation.
Engine optimization
- Constant FST Applied. Original RT (GCC + vector FST): 0.35. Optimized (GCC+const FST + cache): 0.29
- Start to investigate LOUDS FST.
- Investigate spare computing
English NN training
- WSJ+Chinglish data training, done
- 300 English song graph. Looks fine.
- Preparing test.
LM development
- 3 iteration 500 M training done. 24 hours per iteration.
- PPL 189 after 3 iterations.
- NN-based CSLM merge done (10240*100*10240). The PPL and WER are both worse than the original 10 network outputs.
- Need to investigate why the merge is not accurate.
Embedded development
- Embedded stream mode on progress.
Speech QA
- Designed a QA recording client on mobiles.
- CSLT QA recording done. 10 people, 199 utterances per people.
- Ready to do recognition.