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2024年5月13日 (一) 10:54Linwan讨论 | 贡献的版本

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People This Week Next Week Task Tracking (DeadLine)
Dong Wang
  • Material preparation for Xinhua Net broadcast
  • Several public reports
  • Review for Electonics and Applied Science
Lantian Li
Ying Shi
  • verify cohort Overlap ASR assumption
    • Identify the speech component which most similar to the cohort vector ✔
  • group work
  • cohort + conditional chain Overlap ASR
Zhenghai You
  • Speech tests and deliver real test samples for HUAWEI
  • Loudness testing and adjustment of Huawei data[1]
  • Comparative experiments on data expansion
Junming Yuan
  • Continue to add various data augmentation functions into the code
  • Prepare for live broadcast
Chen Chen
  • attend several interviews for job
  • vii group work [2]
Xiaolou Li
  • Video mamba exp (good good)
    • patch frontend
    • conv3d and resnet3d frontend
  • Paper reading
  • run exp on LRS2 and LRS3 (waiting for email feedback)
  • what is the main difference between these two frontend? (conv3d and resnet3d)
Zehua Liu
  • AKVSR (cer:49.71%) > baseline(cer: 48.76%)
    • AKVSR + pos_emb (a little worse)
    • AKVSR + attention score loss(coding)
Pengqi Li
  • Jinfu and LiuHuan's Outlines of NC
  • XueYing's Outline of NC
  • NC paper of Speech XAI overview
Wan Lin
  • EAASP in Sunine(EER)
    • EA:4.292(3.106 wespeaker)
    • Mix: 7.733(5.962 wespeaker)
  • Add CNN condition in test encoder: currently unsuccessful
Tianhao Wang
  • Baseline: SpEx+ with Detection (Failed)
    • difficult to train because vox2 has a much larger data volume than wsj0
  • Toolkit align: lr scheduler, pooling
    • pooling seems critical (same epoch, NS loss: ASP is 0.16 vs TSP is 0.22)
Zhenyu Zhou
Junhui Chen
  • Graduation paper
  • Neural Scoring paper writing
Jiaying Wang
  • find bad cases in the test set(gender confusion)
  • data analyse
  • focus on cohort outside masker
Yu Zhang
  • AutoML
    • EvalML test result[3]
Wenqiang Du
  • Just some project test
Yang Wei
  • Children MDD challenge
    • Refine documentation and prepare material for discuss
  • Huilan stuff
    • Reduce size of TTS Docker image
  • AIGraph PPT delivery
  • Thesis
  • Perception Experiment
  • Data Collection
    • Checking audios
  • Class works
Yue Gu
Qi Qu
  • KWS
    • Standardize dataset formats and test routines.
    • Data collection and processing.