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2022年3月14日 (一) 11:20Lisirui讨论 | 贡献的版本

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People This Week Next Week Task Tracking (DeadLine)
Dong Wang
  • Keep on revising the TASLP paper
  • More review on disentanglement
  • Finish review disentanglement
Yunqi Cai
  • revise and submit NSFC project
Lantian Li
  • Push CNCSRC (Submission system, Leaderboard and Evaluation toolkit)
  • PUFA project delivery
  • Release CNCSRC Submission and Leaderboard
  • PUFA project delivery
Ying Shi
  • Speech engrave with alignment
  • Speech engrave with enhancement loss here
  • Continue work on speech engrave: Design more smart mask mechanisms
Haoran Sun
  • results of CycleVC pdf
  • tools for vc
  • paper
Chen Chen
  • Prepare report of Lip Reading & AVSR
  • Reproduce experiments of reviewed methods
Pengqi Li
  • do more experiments on visualization
Weida Liang
  • various tests with GOP SCA MOSNet and CER scoring
  • 4 Spk VC done
  • modify paper
  • try 6 Spk VC
  • submit paper
Zixi Yan
  • The WAV2VEC model trained by Librispeech dataset was used for Chinese Asr experiments
Sirui Li
  • Phoneme set discovery and dictionary generation pdf
  • Improve phoneme translation system
Haoyu Jiang
  • Data statistics of AV-CN-Celeb
  • Design SOTA model test experiment
Ruihai Hou
  • Test top-N and speed on binary embedding
  • Prepare paper sharing
Renmiao Chen
  • redo for MI and CKA
  • achieve dePLDA
  • improve dePLDA
  • do some experiment for score fusion