FreeNeb declaration

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FreeNeb Declaration

The founders of FreeNeb declare of the initiatives and finals of our career. All of the founders promise that the followings will be the chart of our behaviors, whenever the situation is easy or hard. It is so fundamentally important, so that we have to swear by our heart and soul, that they will be the principles of us, when we take the business actions, work with colleagues, deal with other companies and governments. We swear these principles should be respected without any reservation, whenever we are monitored or not, threatened or not, tempted or not. We believe these principles are right, and so cannot be challenged, even by law.

We believe all the people should be respected, no matter his/her capabilities and situations. All what we do should help improve the honor and dignity of human beings, which includes better economic situations, better natural environment, better understanding of the world, and better willingness to the future.

All the right of FreeNeb are attributed to the holders, and any rights of individuals is granted by all the holders.

All the people should have rights to work and get income by the work. The contributions and earnings should be accordance, but we also need to take care of the people in sickness and oldness.

No evils, no deceive, no discrimination.

FreeNeb 宣言

FreeNeb的所有创立者声明我们事业以下述准则为我们行为的起点和终级目标。 所有创立者承诺下述准则将是我们行为的规范,不论处于顺境还是危机。这些准则是如此重要, 因而我们皆以全身心起誓,这些准则将指导我们的商业行为,工作方式,以及与其它公司和政府的合作方法。我们发誓这些行为准则将被无条件遵守,不论我们是否被监视、威胁与诱惑。 我们坚信这些准则是正确的,因而必须遵从,哪怕受到法律的压力。

我们相信所有人都值得遵重,不论他/她的能力或境遇如何。我们所做的所有事情应该有益于提高我们的作为人的荣誉与尊严,包括更好的经济条件,更好的自然环境,对世界更好的理解,以及 对未来更好的愿景。


