NLP Status Report 2017-8-7

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2017年8月7日 (一) 04:29Zhangjy讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Date People Last Week This Week
2017/7/3 Jiyuan Zhang
  • generated streame according to a couplet
  • almost completed the task of filling in the blanks of a couplet
  • continue to perfect the couplet model
Aodong LI
  • Got 55,000+ Englsih poems and 260,000+ lines after preprocessing
  • Added phase separators as the style indicator, and every line has at least one separator
  • Training loss didn't decrease very much, only from 440 to 50
  • The translation quality deteriorated when added language model
  • Try to use a larger language model to decrease the training loss
  • Try to use character-based MT in English-Chinese translation
Shiyue Zhang
Shipan Ren
  • looked for the performance(the bleu value) of other models
 on the WMT2014 dataset from the published papers,but not found.
  • installed and built Moses on the server
  • train statistical machine translation model and test it
 toolkit: Moses
 data sets:WMT2014 en-de、en-fr data sets
  • collate experimental our baseline model with Moses
Jiayu Guo
  • process document.Until now, Shiji has been split up to 2,4000 pairs of sentence.
  • Zizhitongjian has been split up to 1,6000 pairs.
  • adjust jieba source code, in order to make jieba more accurate for ancient language wordpiece
  • read model source code