Work-progress 2017.04

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2017年4月14日 (五) 11:33Wangyd讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Daily Report

Date Person start leave hours plan status
2017.4.14 Tongzheng Ren
Yaodong Wang 10A.M 10P.M 12h make the sp500 database better finish updting the sp500 database
2017.4.12 Tongzheng Ren
Yaodong Wang 9:30 A.M 10P.M 12h Explore the h* read some papers and organize some data
2017.4.11 Tongzheng Ren
Yaodong Wang 9:30.M 10P.M 12h Explore the h* read some papers
2017.4.7 Tongzheng Ren
Yaodong Wang 9:30.M 10P.M 12h Explore the strategy about future contract explore the h* and insert datas
2017.4.6 Tongzheng Ren
Yaodong Wang 10 A.M 10 P.M 12h Explore future contract Read some reports and books about future contract
2017.4.2 Tongzheng Ren
Yaodong Wang 2 P.M 10 P.M 8h Read a book about statistical arbitrage and Explore future contract Study pair trading and find future contract data