Nlp-progress 2016/08

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2016年8月16日 (二) 08:24Cslt讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Aiting Liu

2016-08-15 ~ 2016-08-16 : learn Neural Network

2016-08-08 ~ 2016-08-12 :

   1.finish the first version of chapter2 paper "A Sentence Interaction Network for Modeling Dependence between Sentences"    [pdf]

2016-08-05: write section probabilistic PCA

2016-08-04: write section softmax regression

2016-08-03: write section logistic regression

2016-08-02: write section polynomial fitting and linear regression

2016-08-01: learn linear model , determine the content of the chapter2

Andy Zhang


           Give a report on my research on sentence similarity


           Give a representation on NNLMs; review papers read earlier this week.


           Read the paper Multi-Perspective Sentence Similarity Modeling with Convolutional Neural Networks


           Read the paper Modeling Interestingness with Deep Neural Networks


           Read papers about ABCNN for modeling sentence pairs

Shiyao Li