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2016年8月15日 (一) 01:30Liuaiting讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Text Processing Team Schedule


Former Members

  • Rong Liu (刘荣) : 优酷
  • Xiaoxi Wang (王晓曦) : 图灵机器人
  • Xi Ma (马习) : 清华大学研究生
  • DongXu Zhang (张东旭) : --
  • Yiqiao Pan (潘一桥):继续读研

Current Members

  • Tianyi Luo (骆天一)
  • Chao Xing (邢超)
  • Qixin Wang (王琪鑫)
  • Aodong Li (李傲冬)
  • Aiting Liu (刘艾婷)
  • Ziwei Bai (白子薇)

Work Process

Paper Share


Learning Better Embeddings for Rare Words Using Distributional Representations pdf

Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification pdf

Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network for Document Modeling pdf

Learning Distributed Representations of Sentences from Unlabelled Data pdf

Speech Synthesis Based on HiddenMarkov Models pdf

Research Task

Binary Word Embedding(Aiting)


2016-06-05: find out that tensorflow does not provide logical derivation method.

2016-06-01: complete the first version of binary word embedding model

2016-05-28: complete the word2vec model in tensorflow

2016-05-25: write my own version of word2vec model


       1.get tensorflow's word2vec model from(
       2.learn word2vec_basic model and


       1.find the tf.logical_xor(x,y) method in tensorflow to compute Hamming distance.
       2.learn tensorflow's word2vec model

2016-05-21: Lantian's paper 'Binary Speaker Embedding'
       2.try to find a formula in tensorflow to compute Hamming distance.

Ordered Word Embedding(Aodong)

2016-07-25, 26, 27, 28, 29 : Share the ACL paper and implement rare word embedding
2016-07-18, 19, 20, 21, 22 : Find a scratch paper and ask for the corpora
2016-07-13, 14, 15 : Debug the mixed version of Rare Word Embedding
2016-07-12 : Complete the mixed initialization version of Rare Word Embedding and start training
2016-07-11 :
   Improve the predict process of chatting model
   Changing some hyperparameters of the chatting model to speed up the training process
2016-07-09, 10 : Try to carry out paper's low-freq word experiment, and do some readings both from PRML and Hang Li's paper.
2016-07-08 : Do model selections and the model finally set off on the server.
2016-07-07 : Complete the chatting model and run on Huilian's server, in order to overcome the GPU memory problem.
2016-07-06 : Finally complete translate model in tensorflow!!!! Now I am dealing with the out of memory problem.
2016-07-05 :
   Code predict process
   Although I've got a low cost value, the predict result does not compatible as expected, even the input of predict process from training set
   When I tried the Weibo data, program collapsed with an out of memory error.
2016-07-04 : Complete Coding training process
2016-07-01, 02: The cost function is very bumpy, debug it, while it's quite difficult!
2016-06-27, 28, 29 : Coding
2016-06-26 : Code tf's GRU and attention model
2016-06-25 : Read tf's source code and
2016-06-24 :
   Code spearman correlation coefficient and experiment
   Read Li's paper "Neural Responding Machine for Short-Text Conversation"
2016-06-23 :
   Share paper "Learning Better Embeddings for Rare Words Using Distributional Representations"
   experiment and receive new task
2016-06-22 :
   Experiment on low-frequency words
   Roughly read "Online Learning of Interpretable Word Embeddings"
   Roughly read "Learning Better Embeddings for Rare Words Using Distributional Representations"
2016-06-21 : Experiment and calculate cosine distance between words
2016-06-20 : Something went wrong with my program and fix it, so I have to start it all over again
2016-06-04 : Experiment the semantic&syntactic analysis of retrained word vector
2016-06-03 : Complete coding retrain process of low-freq word and experiment the semantic&syntactic analysis
2016-06-02 : Complete coding predict process of low-freq word and experiment the semantic&syntactic analysis
2016-06-01 : Read "Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality"
2016-05-31 :
   Read Mikolov's ppt about his word embedding papers
   test the randomness of word2vec and there is nothing different in single thread while rerunning the program
   Download dataset "microsoft syntactic test set", "wordsim353", and "simlex-999"
2016-05-30 : Read "Hierarchical Probabilistic Neural Network Language Model" and "word2vec Explained: Deriving Mikolov's Negative-Sampling Word-Embedding Method"
2016-05-27 : Reread word2vec paper and read C-version word2vec.
2016-05-24 : Understand word2vec in TensorFlow, and because of some uncompleted functions, I determine to adapt the source of C-versioned word2vec.
2016-05-23 :
   Basic setup of TensorFlow
   Read code of word2vec in TensorFlow
2016-05-22 :
   Learn about algorithms in word2vec
   Read low-freq word papar and learn about 6 strategies



Matrix Factorization(Ziwei)



         prepare for report


         learn the code '','',and ''
         problem:I have no idea how to run the program and where the data.


          read the code ''


          learn the rest of  paper ‘Neural word Embedding as implicit matrix factorization’


          learn the ‘abstract’ and ‘introduction’ of paper ‘Neural word Embedding as implicit matrix factorization’

Question answering system

Chao Xing

2016-05-30 ~ 2016-06-04 :

            Deliver CDSSM model to huilan.

2016-05-29 :

            Package chatting model in practice. 

2016-05-28 :

            Modify bugs...

2016-05-27 :

            Train large scale model, find some problem.

2016-05-26 :

            Modify test program for large scale testing process.

2016-05-24 :

            Build CDSSM model in huilan's machine.

2016-05-23 :

            Find three things to do.
            1. Cost function change to maximize QA+ - QA-.
            2. Different parameters space in Q space and A space.
            3. HRNN separate to two tricky things : use output layer or use hidden layer as decoder's softmax layer's input.

2016-05-22 :

            1. Investigate different loss functions in chatting model.

2016-05-21 :

            1. Hand out different research task to intern students.

2016-05-20 :

            1. Testing denosing rnn generation model.

2016-05-19 :

            1. Discover for denosing rnn.

2016-05-18 :

            1. Modify model for crawler data.

2016-05-17 :

            1. Code & Test HRNN model.

2016-05-16 :

            1. Work done for CDSSM model.

2016-05-15 :

            1. Test CDSSM model package version.

2016-05-13 :

            1. Coding done CDSSM model package version. Wait to test.

2016-05-12 :

            1. Begin to package CDSSM model for huilan.

2016-05-11 :

            1. Prepare for paper sharing.
            2. Finish CDSSM model in chatting process.
            3. Start setup model & experiment in dialogue system.

2016-05-10 :

            1. Finish test CDSSM model in chatting, find original data has some problem.
            2. Read paper:
                   A Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder-Decoder for Generative Context-Aware Query Suggestion
                   A Neural Network Approach to Context-Sensitive Generation of Conversational Responses
                   Building End-To-End Dialogue Systems Using Generative Hierarchical Neural Network Models
                   Neural Responding Machine for Short-Text Conversation

2016-05-09 :

            1. Test CDSSM model in chatting model.
            2. Read paper : 
                   Learning from Real Users Rating Dialogue Success with Neural Networks for Reinforcement Learning in Spoken Dialogue Systems
                   SimpleDS A Simple Deep Reinforcement Learning Dialogue System
            3. Code RNN by myself in tensorflow.

2016-05-08 :

            Fix some problem in dialogue system team, and continue read some papers in dialogue system.

2016-05-07 :

            Read some papers in dialogue system.

2016-05-06 :

            Try to fix RNN-DSSM model in tensorflow. Failure..

2016-05-05 :

            Coding for RNN-DSSM in tensorflow. Face an error when running rnn-dssm model in cpu : memory keep increasing. 
            Tensorflow's version in huilan is 0.7.0 and install by pip, this cause using error in creating gpu graph,
            one possible solution is build tensorflow from source code.

Aiting Liu

2016-08-08 ~ 2016-08-12 :

   1.finish the first version of chapter2 paper "A Sentence Interaction Network for Modeling Dependence between Sentences"    [pdf]

2016-08-05: write section probabilistic PCA

2016-08-04: write section softmax regression

2016-08-03: write section logistic regression

2016-08-02: write section polynomial fitting and linear regression

2016-08-01: learn linear model , determine the content of the chapter2

2016-07-28 ~ 2016-07-29: learn lesson linear model

2016-07-25 ~ 2016-07-27: read paper Intrinsic Subspace Evaluation of Word Embedding Representations [pdf]

2016-07-22 ~ 2016-07-23: run and modify lyrics generation model

2016-07-19 ~ 2016-07-21:

       preprocess the 200,000 lyrics 

2016-07-18: get 200,000 songs from ( singer list from a-z)

2016-07-08: preprocess the lyrics from baidu music

2016-07-07: get 27963 songs from (singerlist from A/B/C)

2016-07-06: try to get lyrics from

2016-07-05: write lyrics spider, and get 56306 songs from

2016-07-04: learn tensorflow

2016-07-01: submit APSIPA2016 paper

2016-06-30: perfection paper

2016-06-29: complete the ordered word embedding's paper

2016-06-26: modify the ordered word embedding's paper

2016-06-25: complete ordered word embedding experiment,get 54 figures

2016-06-23: read Bengio's paper

2016-06-22: read Bengio's paper





2016-06-05: complete the binary word embedding, find out that tensorflow does not provide logical derivation method.

2016-06-04: write the binary word embedding model


       1.Record demo video of our Personalized Chatterbot
       2.program the binary word embedding model

2016-05-31: debugging our Personalized Chatterbot

2016-05-30: complete our Personalized Chatterbot


       1.scan Chao's code and modify it the modified program to get the eight hundred thousand sentences's whole matrix


       1.complete the word2vec model in tensorflow
       2.complete the first version of binary word embedding model

2016-05-25: .write my own version of word2vec model


       1.get tensorflow's word2vec model from(
       2.learn word2vec_basic model and,we need a Chinese evaluation dataset if we want to use it directly


       1.find the tf.logical_xor(x,y) method in tensorflow to compute Hamming distance.
       2.learn tensorflow's word2vec model

2016-05-21: Lantian's paper 'Binary Speaker Embedding'
       2.try to find a formula in tensorflow to compute Hamming distance.


           Fetch American TV subtitles and process them into a specific format(12.6M)
          (1.Sex and the City 2.Gossip Girl 3.Desperate Housewives 4.The IT Crowd 5.Empire 6.2 Broke Girls)

2016-05-16:Process the data collected from the interview site,interview books and American TV subtitles(38.2M+23.2M)


           Fetch American TV subtitles
          (1.Friends 2.Big Bang Theory 3.The descendant of the Sun 4.Modern Family 5.House M.D. 6.Grey's Anatomy)

2016-05-08:Fetch data from '' and ''(13.4M)

2016-05-07:Fetch data from '' and interview books (10M)

2016-05-04:Establish the overall framework of our chat robot,and continue to build database

Ziwei Bai


          download & learn latex

2016-07-25 ~2016-07-28:

          1、debug the based-RNN TTS(not ideal)
          2、run the based-RNN TTS
          3、write template

2016-07-21~ 2016-07-23:

          build RNN model for TTS

2016-07-18 ~ 2016-07-19:

          1、run bottleneck model with different parameters
          2、 prepare Bi-weekly report
          3、draw a map to compare different model,

2016-07-14 ~ 2016-07-15:

          build bottleneck model(non linear layer : sigmoid relu tanh)

2016-07-12 ~ 2016-07-13:

          modify the TTS program
          1、separate classify and transfer
          2、separate lf0 and mgc


          finish the patent

2016-07-07 ~ 2016-07-08:

          1、program LSTM with tensorflow (still has some bug)
          2、learn paper 'Fast,Compact,and High Quality LSTM-RNN Based Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesizers fot Mobile Devices'


          finish the second edition of patent


          finish the fisrt edition of patent


          1、debug and run the chatting model with softmax 
          2、determine model for patent of ‘LSTM-based modern text to the poetry conversion technology’


          the model updated yesterday can't converge,try to learn tf.sampled_softmax_loss()


          convert our chatting model from Negative sample to softmax and convert the cost from cosine to cross-entropy


          learn paper 'Neural Responding Machine for Short-Text Conversation'


          learn paper ‘Building End-To-End Dialogue Systems Using Generative Hierarchical Neural Network Models’


         1、construct vector for word cut by jieba
         2、retrain the cdssm model with new word vector(still run)


         1、modify the interface for QA system
         2、pull together the interface and QA system


         1、add  data source and Performance Test results in work report
         2、learn pyQt


           complete the work report


          write code for inputting a question ,return a answer sets whose question is most similar to the input question


          1、learn DSSM
          2、 complete the first edition of work report
          3、construct basic Q&A(name,age,job and so on)               


          write code for searching question in '' and searching answer in zhihu


          learn the second half of paper 'A Neural Conversational Model'


          1、crawl QA pairs from and
          2、find  paper 'A Neural Conversational Model' from google scholar and learn the first half of it.


           1、find datasets in paper 'Neural Responding Machine for Short-Text Conversation'
           2、reconstruct 15 scripts into our expected formula 


           1、find 130 scripts
           2、 reconstruct 11 scripts into our expected formula 
           problem:many files cann't distinguish between dialogue and scenario describes by program. 


            1、read paper“Movie-DiC: a Movie Dialogue Corpus for Research and Development”
            2、reconstruct a new film scripts into our expected formula 

2016-05-08: convert the pdf we found yesterday into txt,and reconstruct the data into our expected formula

2016-05-07: Finding 9 Drama scripts and 20 film scripts

2016-05-04:Finding and dealing with the data for QA system

Andi Zhang


           Give a report on my research on sentence similarity


           Give a representation on NNLMs; review papers read earlier this week.


           Read the paper Multi-Perspective Sentence Similarity Modeling with Convolutional Neural Networks


           Read the paper Modeling Interestingness with Deep Neural Networks


           Read papers about ABCNN for modeling sentence pairs

2016-07-25 ~ 2016-07-29:

           Read papers about the theories and realization of NNLM, RNNLM & word2vec, prepared for a representation of this topic


           Read papers about CBOW & Skip-gram

Generation Model (Aodong li)

2016-05-21 : Complete my biweekly report and take over new tasks -- low-frequency words
2016-05-20 :
   Optimize my code to speed up
   Train the models with GPU
   However, it does not converge :(
2016-05-19 : Code a simple version of keywords-to-sequence model and train the model
2016-05-18 : Debug keywords-to-sequence model and train the model
2016-05-17 : make technical details clear and code keywords-to-sequence model
2016-05-16 : Denoise and segment more lyrics and prepare for keywords to sequence model
2016-05-15 : Train some different models and analyze performance: song to song, paragraph to paragraph, etc.
2016-05-12 : complete sequence to sequence model's prediction process and the whole standard sequence to sequence lstm-based model v0.0
2016-05-11 : complete sequence to sequence model's training process in Theano
2016-05-10 : complete sequence to sequence lstm-based model in Theano
2016-05-09 : try to code sequence to sequence model
2016-05-08 :
   denoise and train word vectors of  Lijun Deng's lyrics (110+ pieces)
   decide on using raw sequence to sequence model
2016-05-07 :
   study attention-based model
   learn some details about the poem generation model
   change my focus onto lyrics generation model
2016-05-06 : read the paper about poem generation and learn about LSTM
2016-05-05 : check in and have an overview of generation model

jiyuan zhang

2016-05-01~06 :modify input format and run lstmrbm model (16-beat,32-beat,bar)
  Modify model parameters  and run model ,the result is not ideal  yet 
  According to teacher Wang's opinion, in the generation stage,replace random generation with the maximum probability generation
2016-05-24~27 :check the blog's codes and understand the model and input format details on the blog

Past progress

