Tianyi Luo 2016-03-28

来自cslt Wiki
2016年3月24日 (四) 17:00Lty讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Plan to do this week

  • To get the data which is used to train tha QA chatting model.
  • To respond the email of Patent application company in details.
  • To install the tensorflow in grid-16 to reproduce Dongxu's work.
  • To finish the font transfer project with Yanxu.
  • To prepare the weekly report about intellegent qa system next Monday.

Work done in this week

  • Finish getting the data which is used to train the chatting model from huilian.
  • Finish responding the email of Patent application company in details.
  • Finish installing the tensorflow in grid-16 to reproduce Dongxu's work.

Plan to do next week

Interested papers

  • Cascading Bandits: Learning to Rank in the Cascade Model(ICML 2015) [pdf]