Tianyi Luo 2015-12-21

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2015年12月23日 (三) 14:33Lty讨论 | 贡献的版本

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Plan to do next week

  • Enhance the function of couplet generation function.
  • To conduct the experiments to submit a journal.
  • To try new kernel function to model candidate similarity more efficiently.

Work done in this week

  • Finish some parts of work about make the lab's demo.
  • Finish some parts of work about the poem and couplet generation's SMT method.
  • Finish the work about local-based attention Chinese couplet generation.

开 业 大 吉:

Non-local attention-based:

启 步 肇 昌 隆 / 花 荣 名 畅 三 /

Local attention-based:

妙 墨 系 春 秋 / 名 来 昌 畅 花 /

同 行 增 劲 旅:

training corpus:同 行 增 劲 旅 / 商 界 跃 新 军 /  ; 上 沃 群 芳 艳 / 国 宁 百 艺 生 /

test result:

Non-local attention-based:

attention of 商 [ 0.00851025 0.05046642 0.20085089 0.52851975 0.12252463 0.06678692 0.02234111]

attention of 军 [ 0.00760446 0.04773411 0.20061702 0.54270059 0.11813291 0.06291854 0.02029242]

attention of 胜 [ 0.00872168 0.05112754 0.20125151 0.52559483 0.12306171 0.06754488 0.02269783]

attention of 旧 [ 0.00775181 0.04831868 0.20060426 0.54085833 0.11861438 0.06334573 0.02050681]

attention of 来 [ 0.0080967 0.04938305 0.20097148 0.53481424 0.12035656 0.06504875 0.02132925]

同 行 增 劲 旅 / 商 军 胜 旧 来 /

Local attention-based:

同 行 增 劲 旅 / 商 宁 百 艺 生 /

Plan to do next week

  • To finish the work about make the lab's demo.
  • To finish the work about the poem and couplet generation's SMT method.