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(以“==Text Processing== ===LM development=== ====Domain specific LM==== * LM2.X :* train a large lm using 25w-dict.(hanzhenglong/wxx) ::* v2.0c filter the useless word....”为内容创建页面)

2015年3月16日 (一) 01:11的版本

Text Processing

LM development

Domain specific LM

  • LM2.X
  • train a large lm using 25w-dict.(hanzhenglong/wxx)
  • v2.0c filter the useless word.(next week)
  • set the test set for new word (hold)
  • prepare the wiki data: entity list.

tag LM

  • Tag Lm(JT)
  • error check
  • similar word extension in FST
  • add the experiment to tag-lm paper.


  • rnn
  • the input and output is word embedding and add some token information like NER..
  • map the word to character and train the lm.
  • lstm+rnn
  • check the lstm-rnnlm code about how to Initialize and update learning rate.(hold)


W2V based doc classification

  • data prepare.(hold)

Knowledge vector

  • make a report on Monday


  • v5.0 demo released
  • cut the dict and use new segment-tool

Sparse NN in NLP

  • prepare the ACL
  • check the code to find the problem .
  • increase the dimension
  • use different test set.


improve fuzzy match

  • add Synonyms similarity using MERT-4 method(hold)

online learning

  • data is ready.prepare the ACL paper
  • prepare sougouQ data and test it using current online learning method


  • extract the module
  • extract the context module ,search module,entity recognize module and common module.
  • define the inference in different modules
  • composite module

leftover problem

  • new inter will install SEMPRE