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Text Processing
第198行: 第198行:
====Domain specific LM====
====Domain specific LM====
* domain lm
* domain lm
:* am:1400h(2.0.b) .result: xiaomi-29.43%,baiduzhidao-43.46%,baiduHi-30.02%, test-set:8ksentence(16k=>8k)
:* weibo lm with pruning 0 10 10 20 20 testing done. weibo lm with pruning 0 10 8 8 8 under testing. weibo lm without pruning 4/8 done.
:* need to check the xiaomin-lm method and result.
:* merger weibo、baiduhi and baiduzhidao lm and test ('''this week''')
:* confirm the size of alpa with xiaomin for business application.(like e-13)
:* get the general test data from miaomin .this test set may get from online.
*  new dict.
*  new dict.
:* weibo-data : Tencent-segment and count. get 16k words to segment again.
:* train lm on baiduhi, baiduzhida with new 150k dict and test ('''this week''')
:* new toolkit:find method to update the new dict. can get new wordlist from sougou and get word information from baidu.
:* new toolkit:find method to update the new dict. can get new wordlist from sougou and get word information from baidu.('''two week''')
====tag LM====
====tag LM====
* set new test  
* set new test  
:* 1k address from dianxin. prepare to test.
:* fix the bug
:* insert the new unknown-address to test set.
:* record test set and test the unknown address ('''this week''')
:* record test set 15-sentence/person on dianxin txt.
====RNN LM====
====RNN LM====

2014年11月3日 (一) 05:43的版本

Speech Processing

AM development


  • NAN problem
  • nan recurrence
   grid/atr.  |   Reproducible  |    add.
   grid-10    |     yes         |   
   grid-12    |     no          | "nan" in different position
   grid-14    |     yes         |  
  • buy 760-GPU

Sparse DNN

  • Performance improvement found when pruned slightly
  • Experiments show that
  • Suggest to use TIMIT / AURORA 4 for training
  • HOLD


  • Initial nnet seems no very well, need to be pre-trained or test lower learn-rate.
  • For AURORA4 1h/epoch, 100 epochs done.
  • Using AURORA 4 short-sentence with a smaller number of targets.

Noise training

  • First draft of the noisy training journal paper.
  • Second version released.
  • Paper Correction (Yinshi, Liuchao, Lin Yiye), be going.

Drop out & Rectification & convolutive network

  • Drop out
  • dataset:wsj, testset:eval92
       std |  dropout0.4 | dropout0.5 | dropout0.6 | dropout0.7 | dropout0.8
       4.5 |     5.39    |    4.80    |   4.75     |  4.36      |    4.55  
    • Frame-accuarcy seems not consistent with WER.
    • Using the train-data as cv, verify the learning ability of the model.
  • AURORA4 dataset
  (1) Train: train_clean      
   drop-retention/testcase(WER) | test_clean_wv1  | test_airport_wv1 | test_babble_wv1 | test_car_wv1 
          std-baseline          |  6.04           |  29.91           |  27.76          |  16.37
             dp-0.4             |  6.61           |  29.59           |  30.12          |  19.40
             dp-0.5             |  6.40           |  28.07           |  27.88          |  19.88
             dp-0.6             |  6.36           |  26.68           |  24.85          |  18.32
             dp-0.7             |  6.13           |  25.53           |  23.90          |  15.69
             dp-0.8             |  5.94           |  24.94           |  23.67          |  15.77
             dp-0.9             |  5.96           |  27.30           |  25.63          |  15.46
  (2) Train: train_nosiy
   drop-retention/testcase(WER) | test_clean_wv1  | test_airport_wv1 | test_babble_wv1 | test_car_wv1 
          std-baseline          |  9.60           |  11.41           |  11.63          |  8.64
             dp-0.3             |  12.91          |  16.55           |  15.37          |  12.60
             dp-0.4             |  11.48          |  14.43           |  13.23          |  11.04
             dp-0.5             |  10.53          |  13.00           |  12.89          |  10.24
             dp-0.6             |  10.02          |  12.32           |  11.81          |  9.29
             dp-0.7             |  9.65           |  12.01           |  12.09          |  8.89
             dp-0.8             |  9.79           |  12.01           |  11.77          |  8.91
             dp-1.0             |  9.94           |  11.33           |  12.05          |  8.32
    • Losing important features, enlarge the hidden-layer dim to 2048.
    • Follow the standard dnn training learn-rate to avoid the different learn-rate changing time of various DNN training.
    • Test out of known noise test-data.
    • Continue the droptout on normal trained XEnt NNET , eg wsj(learn-rate:1e-4/1e-5). (++)
    • Draft the dropout-DNN weight distribution. (++)
  • Rectification
  • Still NAN error, need to debug.
 1) AURORA4 -15h
 (1) Train: train_clean
     learn-rate/testcase(WER)  | test_clean_wv1  | test_airport_wv1 | test_babble_wv1 | test_car_wv1 
          std-baseline         |  6.04           |  29.91           |  27.76          |  16.37
          lr0.001              |  6.28           |  30.01           |  30.26          |  20.81
          lr0.003              |  6.44           |  32.01           |  32.24          |  17.82
          lr0.005              |  6.47           |  33.49           |  34.75          |  18.15
          lr0.007              |  6.72           |  35.85           |  39.72          |  18.03
        lr-0.001_l1-0.001      |  83.19          |  98.57           |  98.84          |  97.77
        lr-0.001_l1-0.0001     |  7.58           |  32.94           |  34.29          |  23.42
       lr-0.001_l1-0.00001     |  6.21           |  29.15           |  28.24          |  19.50
       lr-0.001_l1-0.000001    |  6.30           |  31.91           |  29.23          |  21.52
  • Change the learn-rate in the middle of the training, Modify the train_nnet.sh script(Liu Chao).
  • Using maximum learning-rate.
  • MaxOut (++)
  • Convolutive network (+)
  • Test more configurations

Denoising & Farfield ASR

  • ICASSP paper submitted.
  • HOLD


  • Spike detection and removal.
  • Add more silence tag "#" in pure-silence utterance text(train).
  • xEntropy model be training
  • need to test baseline.
  • Sum all sil-pdf as the silence posterior probability.
  • Program done, to tune the threshold
  • rearrange the ending point of the detected speech

Speech rate training

  • Seems ROS model is superior to the normal one with faster speech
  • Suggest to extract speech data of different ROS, construct a new test set(+)
  • Tencent training data done

low resource language AM training

  • Use Chinese NN as initial NN, change the last layer
  • Various the used Chinese trained DNN layer numbers.
    • feature_transform = 6000h_transform + 6000_N*hidden-layers
 nnet.init = random (4-N)*hidden-layers + output-layer
 | N / learn_rate | 0.008         | 0.001 | 0.0001 |
 |   baseline     | 17.00(14*2h)  |       |        |
 |       4        | 17.75(9*0.6h) | 18.64 |        |
 |       3        | 16.85         |       |        |
 |       2        | 16.69         |       |        |
 |       1        | 16.87         |       |        |
 |       0        | 16.88         |       |        |  
    • feature_transform = uyghur_transform + 6000_N*hidden-layers
 nnet.init = random (4-N)*hidden-layers + output-layer
 Note: This is reproduced Yinshi's experiment
 | N / learn_rate | 0.008 | 0.001 | 0.0001 |
 |   baseline     | 17.00 |       |        |
 |       4        | 28.23 | 30.72 | 37.32  |
 |       3        | 22.40 |       |        |
 |       2        | 19.76 |       |        |
 |       1        | 17.41 |       |        |
 |       0        |       |       |        |
    • feature_transform = 6000_transform + 6000_N*hidden-layers
 nnet.init = uyghur (4-N)*hidden-layers + output-layer
 | N / learn_rate | 0.008 | 0.001 | 0.0001 |
 |   baseline     | 17.00 |       |        |
 |       4        | 17.80 | 18.55 | 21.06  |
 |       3        | 16.89 | 17.64 |        |
 |       2        |       |       |        |
 |       1        |       |       |        |
 |       0        |       |       |        |

  • sub word unit language model is ready. on testing.


  • Harmonics program done, experiment to be done.
  • Initial experiment shows more timber data are required


  • Reproduce the experiments on fisher dataset.
  • Use the fisher DNN model to decode all-wsj dataset
  • preparing scoring for puqiang data

Speaker ID

  • Preparing GMM-based server.
  • EER ~ 11.2% (GMM-based system)
  • test different number of components; fast i-vector computing

Emotion detection

  • Sinovoice is implementing the server

Text Processing

LM development

Domain specific LM

  • domain lm
  • weibo lm with pruning 0 10 10 20 20 testing done. weibo lm with pruning 0 10 8 8 8 under testing. weibo lm without pruning 4/8 done.
  • merger weibo、baiduhi and baiduzhidao lm and test (this week)
  • confirm the size of alpa with xiaomin for business application.(like e-13)
  • get the general test data from miaomin .this test set may get from online.
  • new dict.
  • train lm on baiduhi, baiduzhida with new 150k dict and test (this week)
  • new toolkit:find method to update the new dict. can get new wordlist from sougou and get word information from baidu.(two week)

tag LM

  • set new test
  • fix the bug
  • record test set and test the unknown address (this week)


  • rnn
  • train RNNLM on Chinese data from jietong-data
  • lstm+rnn
  • wer:6.2%(4-epoch).need to check the problem.


W2V based doc classification

  • Initial results variable Bayesian GMM obtained. Performance is not as good as the conventional GMM.
  • Non-linear inter-language transform: English-Spanish-Czch: wv model training done, transform model on investigation
  • SSA-based local linear mapping still on running.
  • k-means classes change to 2.
  • Knowledge vector started
  • format the data
  • yuanbin will continue this work with help of xingchao.
  • Character to word conversion
  • prepare the task: word similarity
  • prepare the dict.
  • Google word vector train
  • some ideal will discuss on weekly report.


  • v3.0 demo released
  • still slow
  • re-segment the word using new dictionary.will use the tencent-dic about 11w.
  • check new data.


  • search method:
  • test the lucene method
  • analysis the test result
  • add IDF to test
  • spell check
  • get ngram tool and make a simple demo.
  • get domain word list and pingyin tool from huilan.
  • new inter will install SEMPRE